There are four types of payments that can be entered in Orion:
Recording payments that were processed outside of Orion:
- Cash - cash payments or credit cards processed through your gateway outside of Orion
- Check - checks received and deposited to your bank account
Processing AND recording payments within Orion:
- Credit Card Processor (customer information is stored on Orion)
- ECheck Processor (ACH or eCheck)
Cash or Check Payments
Go to the account (Customer or Enterprise) where the invoice are listed.
- Select Transactions
- Scroll down to the Payments section
- Select Add
Complete the following information:
- Amount: Enter Amount of payment
- Payment Type: Select Cash or Check from the drop down menu
- Detail: Type in the payment information you want to appear on the customer's invoice
- Check #: Enter check number (this does not appear on the customer's invoice, only on your payment reports)
- Automatic Disbursement: Check this option if you want the payment to be disbursed to the oldest amount due
- OPEN BALANCE INVOICES: If there are invoices listed and you want to disburse the payment to an invoice that is not the oldest, place a check mark next to the invoice being paid (DO NOT check Automatic Disbursement)
Credit Cards and ACH Gateway Set Up
Orion integrates with a significant number of processing vendors. CONTACT BLUIP TO SET UP YOUR PROCESSOR(S).
Select a card processing gateway from the Credit Card Gateway List and/or the ECheck (ACH) Gateway List, Some gateways handle both credit cards and ACH transactions. Check to see which gateways appear on both lists.
These are the most used gateways:
- AuthorizeNet
- IP Pay
- Moneris
- Payeezy
- Payflowpro.Paypal
- Vantiv/Litle
Note: Not all vendors provide both credit card and ACH gateways
ECheck Component Information - Completed to here
The ECheck component allows your website to securely process electronic checks without the need to redirect to a third-party site. All transactions are accomplished through a secure HTTPS Post to any supported gateway. The secure response is received and then stored in the component’s response properties. Any web site on a standard HTTP server or any stand alone application can process transactions without the need for a secure server or third-party intervention.
Required fields are in red
Populate the fields presented:
- Name - this can be any value you wish to give to the ECheck Processor. It just an identifier.
- E Check Gateway – select the appropriate gateway from the drop-down menu
- Merchant Login – enter your merchant account username, login or ID information supplied by your Gateway
- Merchant Password – enter you merchant account password supplied by your Gateway
- Test Mode – if selected, will allow you to run test Bill Run processing simulations on your accounts before going live. All Credit Cards whether real or fake will receive a successful response when using this check box. This should be used if you simply want to confirm that billing is attempting to process cards and should NOT be used in a production system scenario
- Gateway URL – allows you to override the Gateway URL. This can also be used to post to a test gateway
- Attribute – allows you to specify additional attributes specific to the gateway.
- Configuration – allows you to enter uncommon configuration settings for the gateway
- Threshold Amount – enter a threshold value that will prevent credit card charges if the payment amount is less than the threshold value
- Select Save to save the Card Token Processor, or Save/New to save to processor and create another
Card Test Mode
When testing the credit card processor on your system, there are two test modes available.
- On the processor page (Setup tab --> Card Processors --> Add/Edit). As shown, there is a test mode check box. This is an Orion specific test mode, all cards whether real or fake will receive a successful response when using this check box. This is best used if you simply want to confirm that billing is attempting to process cards and should NOT be used in a production system scenario.
- Set your processor gateway up in test mode (i.e. the test mode check box in Orion would NOT be checked). This configuration will be specific to each process and is not completed in Orion. You will need to log in to your processors gateway directly and configure this. Please refer to your processor company documentation for the configuration and how to use the test mode in this scenario. When you are satisfied that credit cards are processing with this setup, simply login to the processor gateway and turn off test mode. In most cases the processor gateway test mode will be more robust then Orion allowing you to enter specific amounts to test a successful debit, or other amounts to test processing failures. (i.e. AuthorizeNet allows you to use 1 dollar for a success, and any other amount would return a failure, in this way you can confirm that success messages and failure messages and operations are working correctly).
When confirming that your processor is working, the best method is to set the processor gateway to test mode, process some cards and run billing on your development server to confirm credit cards are charging as expected.
A good way to test a live credit card processor is to setup a personal account with a real company credit card, and process a $0.10 transaction. This is a small dollar amount that is easy to test and if successful, any larger amount for other real credit cards will be successful. This is an excellent method for quickly confirming the credit card process is functional
Sample Test Mode Setup
- Select Setup
- Under FINANCE; PAYMENT/PROCESSORS; select Card Processors
Once you select Card Processors, select Add
- Complete the information in the form to set up the new Card Processor
- Save
Customer Payment Method Setup
Go to either the Customer's Customer or Enterprise account (whichever account contains the list of invoices)
- Select Tools
- Select Payment Methods (Tools and Utilities column)
- Select Add
- Select a payment method(s) from the drop-down menu (Note: Set up all possible payment methods)
Repeat above steps until all needed payment methods have been entered
Credit Card
- Select Credit Card from the drop-down menu
Required fields are in RED
Complete all information required by your credit card processing vendor to add the Credit Card to the account
Select Save or if you need to enter more than one Credit Card, select Save/New
Default Payment Method Designation
Once your payment methods have been entered:
Place a check mark to the left of the payment you want to designate as Default
Select the Default button
The Default payment method will now appear in BOLD (Note: In order for credit cards to be run in mass during or after a monthly bill run, the credit card to be charged must be the default payment method)
Deleting a Payment Method
- From the list of Payment Methods, put a check mark in the Select box next to the payment method. Select the Tools tab
- Under Tools and Utilities, select Payment Methods
- Enter a checkmark to the left of the credit card you wish to delete
- Select the Delete button. Note: The default payment method will be in Bold. Default payments cannot be deleted. You must first assign a new default payment.
Below provides some common errors when attempting to process cards. You can find errors by reviewing the following reports:
- Payment Decline: lists basic errors
- Event Log: shows Credit Card return messages and errors
- Payments: shows a full unparsed list of the returned value from the gateway
Credit Card / SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Response Errors
Credit Card return messages and errors will show in the Orion event log and are common among all processors compatible with the iBiz processor module. Some of the most common errors are:
Credit Card Response Errors
159 Invalid form variable index (out of range).
501 Data field invalid length.
502 Data field invalid format.
503 Data field out of range.
504 Luhn digit check failed.
505 Card date invalid.
506 Card expired.
507 Card type unknown.
510 No gateway specified.
511 Invalid data entered.
512 Truncated response.
513 Invalid response.
514 A Special Field is required for this transaction type.
542 Error computing MD5 hash for Authorize.Net
SSL Response Errors
270 Cannot load specified security library.
271 Cannot open certificate store.
272 Cannot find specified certificate.
273 Cannot acquire security credentials.
274 Cannot find certificate chain.
275 Cannot verify certificate chain.
276 Error during handshake.
280 Error verifying certificate.
281 Could not find client certificate.
282 Could not find server certificate.
283 Error encrypting data.
284 Error decrypting data