Detailed outline of layout of LogiSense 9.3 compared to Current LogiSense
Current Account Information
1. Name: Name for the current account you are viewing
- Current version: First item down in the left side box under Current Account
- New Version: Eighth box from the right above the Details and Components sections
2. AccountID: LogiSense identification number for the current account you are viewing
- Current version: Second item down in the left side box under Current Account
- New Version: Seventh box from the right above the Details and Components sections
3. Status: Shows the current status (enabled or canceled) of the account being viewed
- Current version: Third item down in the left side box under Current Account
- New Version: Fourth box from the right above the Details and Components sections
4. Balance: Shows the account balance on the account being viewed
- Current version: Fourth item down in the left side box under Current Account
- New Version: Sixth box from the right above the Details and Components sections
5. Balance Due: Shows the current amount due on the account being viewed
- Current version: Fifth item down in the left side box under Current Account
- New Version: Fifth box from the right above the Details and Components sections
6. Bill Day: Shows the billing day on the account being viewed
- Current version: Sixth item down in the left side box under Current Account
- New Version: First box from the right above the Details and Components sections
7. Bill Group: Shows the current billing group for the account being viewed
- Current version: Seventh item down in the left side box under Current Account
- New Version: Second box from the right above the Details and Components sections
8. Invoice Configuration: Shows how invoices are configured for the account being viewed
- Current version: Eighth item down in the left side box under Current Account
- New Version: Third box from the right above the Details and Components sections
9. Billing Contact, Title and Company: Shows contact information for the account being viewed
- Current version: Ninth, tenth and elevenths item down in the left side box under Current Account
- New Version: Item not included in Current Account information (It is displayed in the details section)
Enhancements to LogiSense
- Apply Invoice discounts at an owner level. Invoice discounts on the owner-user will work alongside discounts at other levels.
- Ability to edit the Owner Parent Account Billing Type on an existing owner. Can only be applied if all account invoices under the owner are closed and have a balance of zero.
- Single sign on configuration at a branded owner level which if desired can be shared to other owners un the branded owner
- Added sent date, invoice configuration, default payment type and aging columns to the Invoice Summary Report.
- Added the ability to calculate tax on batches of UDR records in SureTax integrated environments instead of taxing usage one UDR at a time, improving performance.
- Modified the Tools>Sub Accounts>Add page to permit User Extended Attributes to be displayed and populated.
- Added the ability to set up parent/child profile questions on Setup>Server Types
- Hold Transaction Feature: prevents transactions from being added to invoices until the transactions are billed during a bill run.
- Added Effective Date to the Account Services report