Reports are available from any account by selecting the Reports tab.
There are two main report categories :
- Account Reports - specific to the current account being viewed. These reports will reflect only activity for the current account.
- Owner Reports - always show data in relation to the overall owner, regardless of the current account you are on.
Under Reports are lists of Hyperlinks by category for the many report types available.
Filtering Reports
Each report can be filtered by any of the column headings, either by a specific filter you type into the filter box or by the hyperlinks (Sort Smallest First, Sort Biggest First), or you can Hide Column
There are also filter options on the upper right-hand side of the screen.
- Reset - Clears any previous filters
- View - Opens a parameter box to custom select criteria (see below)
View - This can be used to do a number of filter options and to hide various columns to create a new report
- Each column heading is listed in the View Parameters window
- By de-selecting a column heading, it will be hidden on the report
- Typing a filter in the box to the right of the column heading will create a report with just the information for that filter
- When filtering a column by more than one criteria, separate each item by a semi-colon and a space
- To filter out certain criteria, place an exclamation point in front of each criteria
- If you want to save this report for future use, you can enter a name for the report and hit Enter (if you don't hit enter, the report will not save).
This report criteria will now appear in a drop-down menu when you select View
If you select Filter Report, it will also be listed at the bottom of the View Parameters window
Filters on reports you have created can be revised at anytime, by selecting Filter Report from the View drop-down menu

Reports filters can be deleted at anytime from the View Parameters window by selecting Remove next to the report name
If you make revisions to a saved View, you must delete the saved view and then save the revised view again.

Exporting Reports
Reports are available by
- Download
Select Export and from the drop-down menu,
- Reports can be exported as an XML (plain text) or CSV (comma delimited)
- The report will be generated and you can then save

Printing Reports
Select print. The report is available to print to a PDF file or local printer.
