Getting Started with Unity Reception

Initial Setup
  • The first time Unity is started you will be prompted to enter the configuration details, as shown below.
  • Enter your Login ID and password as provided by your Service Provider and click OK.
  • Now enter the server address when prompted. If this is prepopulated, please do not change.
  • To complete and save your settings click the green tick at bottom right. The application will now open.
The Interface
  • Unity is split into three functional areas; Call Control, Current Call List and Productivity Tabs.  The Productivity tabs are further split into Call Logs and Voicemail tab.
  • The Current Call List will display the status of all current calls for the logged in user, which are controlled using the Call Control buttons.  
  • These call control buttons will change based on the status of the call.
  • When Unity first starts it will automatically populate the Busy Lamp Field with 50 random users in your group or enterprise.
Call Control

Transferring a Call

  • Announced Transfer: Answer an inbound call then make a new call to the desired number, this will place the first caller on hold and initiate a new call. Once the new party answers, click transfer and transfer the two calls together.
  • Blind Transfer: While on an active call dial a number or drag to/right click the recipient select transfer, this will send the caller directly to the destination number and disappear from your call list.
  • Warm Transfer: Right click the user you want to transfer the call to and select “warm transfer”. This will then put the original caller on hold while you talk to the other user, when ready, click the transfer button.

(You can also transfer a call to someone’s voice mail or mobile by right clicking their icon and selecting the option.)

Starting a Conference Call

  • Establish the first call.
  • Call a second person.
  • Click the conference button to create a new conference for all three of you.
  • To add more people to the conference simply dial or start another call then click the conference button.

Ending a Conference Call

  • To end the conference call but continue speaking to one of the callers, simply select the call you want to end and click the Release button.
  • To end the conference call and disconnect both parties, simply hang up the phone or select both calls and select Release.
  • To leave the conference but allow the other callers to continue speaking to each other, perform an announced transfer between the two calls.

Managing Multiple Calls

  • To manage a particular call, first select it by clicking it in the Active Call Window.  If there is only one call in the list it will be selected automatically.  You can then use the call control buttons to perform different actions on the call.

Call Recording

  • Call Recording options are:

Hold Call and Link to User

  • When you have a live caller that wishes to be transferred to an engaged extension, right click that user’s icon and select Hold call and link to user.
  • The call is now placed on hold and the Reception user can continue taking other calls. The Notes field displays “Waiting for Peter Law” in red to indicate that he is still engaged.
  • The notes will turn green when he is available.
  • Depending on your settings, Unity will indicate that Paul is now available, prompt to transfer the call or automatically transfer it.
  • The hold duration and behaviour of Hold Call & Link To User can be configured in Settings>Current Calls, as shown below.

Add Note To a Call

  • Right click in the notes section when you have a call in the Active Call Window to add a note about that call.
  • Once transferred the note will go with the call to inform the new recipient what the call is about.
Busy Lamp Field

User Status Views

  • Monitor up to 50 users per contact group.
  • Add multiple contact groups, e.g. sales and IT by right clicking a user and selecting the option to create a new contact group.
  • Right-click anywhere in the list to change the view of the users, e.g. list, icons etc.
  • To modify the list of users currently being monitored, right-click and select Manage user list. Select the users you want to add or remove by using the arrows. Your monitored users are on the right.

Monitored User States

  • A monitored user will always be displayed in one of the four states:

Drag And Drop Calling And IM

  • Hold down and drag a user’s icon to the docked IM panel to start instant messaging
  • Drag a user to the active call window to call them
  • Drag an active call to another user to transfer/show available transfer options

Call Pickup

This feature allows the logged in user to answer an incoming call on behalf of a monitored user.  Simply right click a ringing user and pick up the call.

Options For A Busy User

Options For An Available User

Instant Messaging

If a user has a small blue dot then they are available for instant messaging. Send an instant message by:

  • Right clicking their user icon and selecting instant message.
  • Drag and drop the user to the docked panel on the right (this can be set up in the settings tab).
  • Click messaging at the top of Unity and select start conversation. Then add the people you want to instant message.
  • Multiple users can be selected to start an IM conversation [by holding down the CTRL key while selecting users], but they must all be online.
My Status
  • To activate your status, Available, Busy, Do Not Disturb etc, click on the My Status link and click the menu option.
  • To activate call forwarding, select the option “Call forward always”, then configure the number. All incoming calls to the pre-defined phone number, meaning the user’s phone will not ring.
  • To active and deactivate call forwarding, simply hover over “Call forward always” and select the option.
Show Calendar
  • The Busy Lamp Field will display Outlook, Office365 and Exchange Calendar events for today for the selected user.
  • Simply right click on the user and if they share their calendar permissions the user’s Shared Calendar will display as a pop-over panel.
  • In Settings > Settings > Shared Calendar  the behaviour of this feature can be configured.

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