Voice Mail Transcription is a powerful tool for your everyday business needs. For those moments when you cannot get to the phone, Voice Mail Transcription allows you to view your messages at any time. Integrating with your business email address, Voice Mail Transcription takes your voice mail messages, transcribes the audio, and provides you with a WAV file of the message, which is delivered to your email inbox. As soon as you open your email message to read your voice mail, the voice mail message is automatically deleted from your voice mail inbox.
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Use Case
Imagine that you are in a meeting and that you are expecting an important phone call or voice mail. Traditionally, there were two options: 1. Step outside and take the call but miss out on important meeting information or 2. Disrupt the conference and dial in to your voice mail. This is no longer the case. With Voice Mail Transcription, your voice mail inbox is now always accessible. By transcribing the audio of a voice mail and sending it directly to your email inbox, Voice Mail Transcription allows you to discretely keep up to date with those who try to communicate with you. See Figure 1.

When you use Voice Mail Transcription, you will receive an email from "noreply@masteraccess.com". Included in this email is a WAV file of the voice mail, the transcription, a date/time stamp, and the contact it was sent from. Note that the caller will only be listed if they are in your Contact List. When viewing from a desktop or laptop, there will also be a "DELETED" icon. This lets you know that the voice mail has been deleted from your voice mail inbox and is now stored as a transcription in your email inbox. See Figure 2.

Assigning Users
Users who have already purchased a Premium License Pack from BluIP will receive Voice Mail Transcription at no additional cost. However, an order must be placed to assign the service pack to your users. This order is a $0 fee.
New users who purchase a Premium License Pack will automatically have Voice Mail Transcription assigned to them. Alternatively, Voice Mail Transcription can be purchased as a single service pack itself.

- Login to BroadSoft and find the user you wish to assign Voice Mail Transcription to. See Figure 1. Click Users from the main Profile page.

- Search for the user you would like to assign Voice Mail Transcription to. In the example below, the user is searching by Last Name. See Figure 2. Click Search and select your user.

- Under the Advanced heading, click Assign Services. See figure 3.
- Under "Available Service Packs" select Voice Mail Transcription. Once it is highlighted, click Add to move the pack in to the user's active service pack. See Figure 4.
- Click OK to save your changes.
Voice Mail Transcription is now available.
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