About Communicator for Desktop

Communicator for Desktop is a native Windows or macOS client for Unified Communications. The BluIP Unified Communications solution delivers Instant Messaging and Presence, Voice Calling (VoIP and Desk Phone), Video Calling, and Desktop Screen Sharing an all in one package that allows you collaborate with others on any device. With UC1 Communicator, your office is with you on the go. Using one seamless application, your mobile device, or PC becomes your office space. In addition, your mobile device can become your desk phone, allowing you to make and receive business calls using your business phone number. The new UC1 Communicator is an essential tool for streamlining your communication needs.
User Guide
To install Communicator, visit our website www.bluip.com/downloads. Navigate to UC1 Communicator and select. Select your desired platform.
1. Double-click the installer executable and follow the installation instructions.
2. Launch Communicator.
3. Click Sign In.
1. Double-click the disk image.
2. Copy the application into the Applications folder.
3. Launch Communicator.
4. Click Sign In.
Sign In

When you first launch the application, you are prompted to sign in.
- Enter your BroadWorks user name and password
- Select whether you would like Communicator to remember your password.
- Select whether you would like Communicator to sign you in automatically on subsequent launches.
- Click Sign In.
Note: If you choose automatic sign in, you are automatically signed in and taken to the Main window upon subsequent Communicator launches. Otherwise, you are presented with the Sign In screen when launching the application. In the Main window, Communicator will remember the tab you were on at sign out and opens that same tab at sign in.
More Info on Installation & Uninstallation
The installer supports a number of options on Windows (native Desktop only) as follows:
- Agree to the license agreement. Note that two clicks are required to accept the EULA due to legal reasons.
- Run when system starts (can be changed later in Preferences).
- Install Outlook Add-in.
- Create a desktop icon.
- Select destination folder for installation.
- Select the name of the software in the Program menu.
- Launch the client after installation.
When installer has been run on an end user’s behalf by an administrator, the “Run program when system starts” option cannot be changed by that end user. If you disable startup, for example, in the Task Manager’s Startup List (on Windows 8 and 10) or from msconfig.exe on Windows 7, the change is not reflected in Preferences. The check box remains checked and grey even though the client is not actually started automatically when the system starts.
When Communicator is installed for the first time, you can choose the language if many languages are supported in the installer. The default language is the language of the operating system. If a default cannot be found, English is used as the fallback.
Starting with Release 21.5.0 and depending on your service provider settings, the Outlook Add-in installer is bundled together with the Communicator installer.
History is specific to the application name. If upgrading to another Communicator version that has a different application name, the history present in the other version is not available.
The uninstallation procedure is different for Windows and Mac OS.
Uninstallation is performed by launching the Windows uninstaller via the Start menu or by using the Windows “Remove programs” view inside the Control panel. Windows uninstallation does not require you to select any options. The language used for the Windows Start menu string “Uninstall” is taken from the language chosen when installing the client. This string cannot be changed after installation.
All files are deleted at uninstallation, except for the following files:
- Registry entries.
- Account files are only deleted when explicitly allowed by the end user on Windows.
Note: As a result, some USB headset add-in files may also get deleted. For a workaround, see the following section on Troubleshooting.
Uninstalling is performed by dragging the application folder from the Applications directory to the trash can; however, account files are not deleted. If you want to remove account files, they must be manually deleted. These are the file locations for the account directories. The following locations apply for all account directories:
For branded clients:
For the reference client:
/Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/BroadSoft/Communicator
The UC1 Communicator Application for Desktop has two main views. The "Main Window" is on the left and all communications shared with other users are listed on the right side of the screen. In the figure below, the user has her Communications View open to "My Room."

My Information
To change your avatar profile picture:
- Right click on the avatar.
- Click Change Profile Picture and select whether to use the camera or to browse from photos. See Item 1.
- Once you select your photo, click Open.
- Your avatar will immediately be updated with the new photo.

To clear your avatar profile picture:
- Right click on the avatar profile picture:
- Click Clear Profile Photo. See Item 2.
- Your avatar will immediately be removed and will return to the initials of your first and last name until a new photo is used.
Communications View
After starting communication with one or more contacts a new tab is displayed for chat. The call window is also integrated with the Main window chat tab by default. You can separate a tab on to a different Communications window by dragging and dropping it outside of the Main window. From this view, you can perform the following actions:
- Escalate a chat to include audio, video, and desktop sharing.
- End an audio or video call.
- Open the dial pad.
- Mute your microphone.
- Adjust your speaker volume.
- Place a call on hold.
- Transfer a call.
- Toggle between speaker and headset. You must specify different devices for a speaker and a headset in Preferences this feature.
If you are using several monitors, Communicator opens the Communications window as well as notifications on the same monitor as the Main window.
Note: Communicator limits the number of active communications to spare resources. The limit is 20 active communications on Windows and on macOS.
Communicator uses tabs for new chat sessions. The Search and Dial field allows searching for contacts as well as making calls using phone numbers or SIP URIs (native Desktop only). SIP URIs must use the format user@domain or sip:user@domain. Figure 3 describes the key icons used in the Main and Communications windows.

Send Email
Communicator synchs with your contacts to access your email.
To send an email:
- Right-click a contact from the Contacts list or search results.
- Select the Email menu option.
Contacts are the people with whom you communicate and, in most cases; you see their presence and share your presence with them (availability status). There are three types of contacts:
- Contacts - Actual people with whom you communicate.
- Conferences - Audio or video conference bridges that are used to communicate with others. Conference contacts are regular contacts and are added just like regular contacts.
- Groups - Containers of contacts and/or conferences.
When you start Communicator for the first time, your Contacts list is empty. Use the Search and Dial field to find people and add them to your Contacts list. You can add a contact from any page in UC1 Communicator.
In order to view a contact’s Contact Card, you must first accept their buddy request. When receiving a buddy request, there are two buttons for accepting or rejecting the request. Dismissing the buddy request window only ignores the request for the duration of the login session. The buddy request will reappear after the next login. See Figure 1.
NOTE: If you REJECT a buddy request, that contact will be unable to view your presence (availability status). This means that files cannot be sent between this contact and you will be unable to see their presence from their Contact ID. However, you can always share your presence information later by selecting Subscribe from the right-click menu from that specific contact.

- Click on the Contacts tab from the side navigation bar.
- Right-click on the contact you would like to subscribe to. This will bring up the Contact ID Right-Click menu.
- Select Subscribe to subscribe to that contact.
- Select Unsubscribe to unsubscribe to that contact. See Item 1.

Note: If you unsubscribe to a contact, they will no longer be listed as your buddy and will be removed from your Contacts List.
- Click on Contacts from the top status bar of your screen.
- Click on Add New Contact. This will bring up the New Contact information page. See Item 1.
- Enter in your contact’s information (Item 2) and click Save. Your contact will be immediately added to your Contacts List.

Another way to add contacts is directly from the Search and Dial field.
To add a contact from the Search and Dial field:
- Click on the Contacts tab from the side navigation bar.
- Enter in your contact’s name or number into the search field. (Item 3) This will identify contacts from your directory that can be added into your Contacts list.
- Right-click on your contact’s entry and click Add to Contacts. See Item 4.
- The contact will immediately be added to your Contacts list and will be visible from the Contacts tab view.

Conference contacts are special contacts used for conference bridges to avoid remembering PIN codes and conference numbers, in the example of a recurring conference. See Figure 5.

To add a conference contact:
- Click on the Plus icon indicated by the plus sign inside of a square. See Item 6.
- Enter a display name, conference bridge number, and PIN.
- Click Save to save changes. You will be able to automatically join recurring meetings by right-clicking on the conference contact or choosing it and clicking the Call button.

To add a group:
- Click on the Plus icon indicated by the plus sign inside of a square. See Item 7.
- Click on the 3 people icon (New Group) to bring you to the New Group contact entry page. See Item 8.
- Enter in a name for the group and click Add to Contacts.
- The new group will now be listed on your Contacts List as a pull-down option from your Contacts List.

To add existing contacts into your Contact Group:
- Click on the Contacts tab from the side navigation bar.
- Right-click on the contact entry that you would like to add to your group.
- Hover your cursor over the Add to Group tab in the right-click menu. See Item 9.
- Click on the group you would like to add your contact into. The contact will now be visible under the group you have added them into on your Contacts List.

To remove existing contacts from your Contact Group:
- Right-click on the contact entry from your Contacts List.
- Hover your cursor over the Remove from Group tab in the right-click menu. See Item 10 above.
- Click on the group you would like to remove your contact from. The contact will no longer be visible under the group contact tab.
Once a contact has been added to your Contacts List you will be able to edit their Contact information. The base principle is the same for editing normal contacts, conference contacts, and groups.
To edit a contact:
- Right-click on the contact entry from your Contacts List.
- Click on Edit Profile from the right-click menu. This will bring up the Edit Contact window. See Item 1.
- Edit the information that you would like to edit and click Save.

Note: Entries in gray in the Edit Contact window are unable to be edited. The only fields that are possible to edit are: Display Name, Personal Phone, Dial-In Number, Conference ID, Security PIN, and Web Address.
You can filter contacts in two ways:
- Use the Filter field to search by contact name. The contact list is filtered in real time as you type.
- Alternatively, use the filter menus available by right-clicking the Contacts tab from the side navigation bar. This will enable you to sort contacts based on first or last name or choose whether to display the contact’s avatar and availability status in the Contacts List. You can also choose to display online contacts only or both online and offline contacts.
- When you make a contact your favorite, the favorite group shows on top of the contact list and cannot be hidden.
- When you delete all your favorite contacts, the favorite group does not show anywhere.
- When you have even one favorite marked, you see the group.
Presence means that your friends can see whether you are available to communicate. For example, their availability might display as, “I’m busy” or “I’m available”. For each contact you have subscribed to, you can see their presence. Similarly, your contacts can see your presence on their contact list.
Your availability is automatically changed in real-time. However, it is possible to manually change your availability status.
To change your availability status:
- Click on your Availability icon on the top left of the application screen. See Figure 1.
- Select whether you want to display your availability as: Available, Away, Busy, or Offline.
- Your availability will be maintained until a meeting or phone-call triggers your presence status.

You can have the Outlook calendar automatically change your presence to Busy—In Meeting by enabling this in the Preferences - General tab (native Desktop only). The presence update is only triggered by appointments and meetings that are in the “Show me as busy” state. See Figure 2 for information about Presence Icon meanings.

Location in presence is done based on the IP address that the machine is using on Windows. This means that your location is a fixed location based on the device that you are using. On macOS, the operating system location is utilized. You will be prompted to accept location usage. Change the location manually by clicking the avatar (if presence controls are not already expanded) and then the location icon to go to the manual location and change the view.
Note: When using Automated Presence, contact addition no longer uses a buddy request dialog. Instead, all presence subscriptions are automatically accepted by the network. This results in asymmetric presence relationships where you see the presence of the contacts you have added but they do not see your presence until they add you as a contact.
Chat View
When you initiate a chat, the Chat tab inside the Main window opens. Chatting with a contact is possible only when you both are online. If your contact initiates a chat, you see a pop-up notification in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. If you close the Chat tab and open it again, set chat messages are shown in the tab as chat history. When the chat opens, you see the contact’s information at the top of the screen.
At the top of the message area, there are four links:
- Yesterday
- Last Week
- All History
- Delete History
From these links, you can load history from your local storage and different time frames. Depending on your history, some links may not be visible if there is no data to show. See Figure 1.
Start a chat tab using one of the following methods:
- Double-click a contact from the Contacts list or search results.
- Right-Click one or more contacts from the Contacts list or search results and click the Chat menu item. See Item 1.
- On the Chat History list, double-click a chat entry.
- Click the Chat icon on the side navigation bar. Select a chat to begin chatting in that entry.

In the text field, you can add a smiley emoticon. Smiley emoticons can also be added by manually by entering the corresponding characters that represent a specific emoticon. You can send text by pressing ENTER from your keyboard.
The full set of Emojis is also supported and they are rendered as ordinary emoticons when received. Spell checking in US English is also supported and can be disabled in Preferences.
To enter a line break in the Text Field, you can use the following key commands:
- For macOS: CMD + ENTER
It is also possible to chat with users on other domains. UC1 Communicator also supports Google Federation. Group chat is not supported in Google federation, so the group chat option with these contacts are shown in gray.
All sent and received chats are stored locally in the chat history and an optional message history feature provides multi-device enhancements so that messages sent or received in other own devices would also be shown.
To delete a chat history:
- Establish a chat.
- Click Delete History from the top of the message area. This will bring up a confirmation window. See Item 1.
- Click Yes to delete the chat history.
- Click No to cancel the request.

Note: When a chat history is deleted, it is only deleted from your view. Chat history will remain available on the other user’s chat window unless they delete their history as well.
While in a one-to-one chat, it is possible for users to send files to each other. There are multiple ways to do so.
To send a file from a one-to-one chat:
- Establish a one-to-one chat and click the Send File icon on the bottom right corner, indicated by a paper with an arrow. See Item 1.
- Select the file you would like to send a click Open.
- Communicator will begin sending the file.
- Click Cancel Transfer to stop sending the file. See Item 2.

To drag & drop a file from a one-to-one chat:
- Establish a one-to-one chat.
- Select the file you would like to send and drag it into the chat window.
- Communicator will begin sending the file.
When receiving a file from a contact, you will have the option to accept or decline the incoming file.
To accept/reject an incoming file:
- Click the Accept button to accept an incoming file.
- Click the Decline button to reject an incoming file.
After the file transfer has been completed, the received files can be opened or viewed in the file manager by using:
File Received - Click to Open - Show in Folder links.
Note: You can only send files between contacts that you are currently subscribed to.
Start a group chat by “multi-selecting” contacts and using the right-click menu.
To multi-select contact entries into a new group chat:
- Press and hold the SHIFT key and click on the desired contacts.
- Right click on any of the selected contacts and click Chat. See Item 1.
- Contacts will be notified that they have been invited into a group chat.

More contacts can be added once a group chat has been established.
To add a new participant into a group chat:
- Establish a group chat and open the chat window.
- Drag a new contact from the Contacts List and drop it into the chat window.
- The new contact will be notified that they have been added to a group chat.
Note: Only the owner of a group chat can add new members into a chat.
A group chat works the same way as a one-to-one chat in a tabbed view. All messages from anyone are sent to everyone else. All contacts need to be online to be able to participate in a group chat. You cannot invite an offline contact or a contact using a device that does not support group chat.
In the Text field, the contacts’ names appear in different colors to easily distinguish between who is writing.
A group Chat History is saved within that group’s Chat Window. The same principle applies when viewing the history of a one-to-one chat.
Note: Deleting a chat room is not supported.
Chat rooms can be moderated by the owner. Use the right-click menu options to remove a participant from your chat room. If needed, the removed participant can join later. The removal also applies to desktop share sessions.
To remove a participant from your chat room:
- Right-click on the participant from the Participants tab on the right side of the chat window.
- Click on Dismiss from Chat to remove the participant from the group chat. See Item 2.
- A notification in the chat window will display that the participant was dismissed from the chat.
- The participant can be added back into the chat by dragging and dropping their contact entry into the group chat window.

The following table describes additional Communications window icons and explains what you can do with them, for voice and video calls. See Figure 1.

In the Options menu from the In-Call Screen, there are the following options:
- Transfer a call to a third party.
- Put the call on hold.
- Adjust the volume bar to adjust the volume. Dragging it all the way to the left mutes your speakers.
- Enter additional digits using the dial pad at any time during the call (for example, to insert a conference number). The dial pad is not movable.
- Toggle between the audio headset and speakers. You must specify a different device for a headset and a speaker in Preferences to be able to use this feature.
- Add participants to the call.

Note: that if you hold the call, the other party cannot “unhold”. This freezes a video call to the last frame of the video feed. In both voice and video calls, this is communicated to all parties by a notification appearing in the middle of the screen.
As an alternative, in general, available Feature Access Codes (FACs) for call management work during calls, for instance *55 for direct transfer to voice mail, but the ongoing call must be put on hold and a new cal l must be made to the FAC number. Using DTMF (Dual-tone Multi-Frequency) for the same purpose does not work.
There are multiple ways to make audio or video calls using UC1 Communicator.
To call from the Contacts list:
- Hover your cursor over the desired contact from your Contacts list or search results.
- Select from either the Call icon (indicated by the handset), Video icon (indicated by the camera), or Call from Phone icon (indicated by the desk phone). See Item 1.
- Communicator will immediately begin dialing.

To call from the Search and Dial field:
- Click the Dial Pad tab from the side navigation bar. See Item 2.
- Enter in the contact’s DID.
- Press ENTER from your keyboard to start a VoIP call.
- Click the Call icon, Video icon, or Call from Phone icon underneath the dial pad. See Item 3.
- Communicator will immediately begin dialing.

To call from the Call History List:
- Double-click a call entry.
- Communicator will immediately begin dialing.
To call from chat window:
- Establish a one-to-one chat.
- Click the Call icon, Video icon, or Call from Phone icon on the top right corner of the window. See Item 4.
- Communicator will immediately begin dialing.
In addition to calling from your computer, UC1 Communicator supports calling from your desk phone. Using any of the above calling methods, click on the Call from Phone icon to dial directly from your desk phone.
If your service is configured to initiate a call from computer (SIP call) to the same machine that initiated a call from phone, that incoming (SIP) call will be accepted and will alert if it does not have the same identity as the call from phone.
For remote calls initiated using Communicator, you can also have mid-call controls such as hold/resume, transfer, and add participant.
Choose your video size from the Preferences and the Video tab. Your selection is used by default for future video calls. The available sizes are automatically presented based on your camera.
You cannot have two simultaneous calls with the same person. Communicator does not add video to an audio call without end-user consent. This also applies to blind video call transfer cases where audio-only music on hold is used; this may result in the transferred call being reduced to an audio-only call.
A secure call icon will be displayed when an encrypted call is taking place.
Note: There is sleep prevention during calls.
When someone is calling you, you will see a pop-up notification on your screen. You can choose to: answer with video communication, answer as an audio-only call, or decline the call. See Figure 1.
Accepting the call:
- Choose Video or Audio from the pop-up notification. You will be immediately connected to the caller. If a caller calls with video enabled, you will be asked for permission before turning on your camera.
Rejecting the call:
- Click Decline from the pop-up notification. It causes the line to sound busy at the caller’s end and they know that you rejected the call. This will send the caller to voicemail.

Communicator performs a local contact search for incoming calls. If the number matches one of the contacts on the Communicator contact list, the name is shown on the incoming call screen along with the alert. Both the display name and phone number are shown when available.
If there is no match to a local contact, Communicator looks for a match in the Telephony Directory and other available directories, and if a match is found, the available information is shown for the incoming call. If there is no match in the Telephony Directory, the display name is taken from the available information in the incoming call.
Whenever you retrieve your call logs/history, Communicator does a lookup in the local contacts and populates the name if a match is found.
When you have one or more missed calls or other types of communications, there is a notification on the left-hand side of the navigation pane in the Main window. Clicking the icon takes you to the missed communication in the Communications History view.
To enter Full Screen Mode, select one of the following methods:
- Click the Full Screen icon from the in-call screen of a video call. See Figure 1.
- Double click anywhere on a video.

Exiting full screen makes the video call go back to its original state (even if there was resizing of the window previously before going full screen).
To exit Full Screen Mode, select one of the following methods:
- Press the ESC from your keyboard (on both Windows and macOS).
- Double click the window.
In a full-size window, you can see a similar Options menu at the top. It has the same functionality as it does in the normal view. When you move the mouse, the top bar and lower communication buttons appear on top of the video.
You can have multiple participants in a call, either in My Room or in a regular multiparty call. Add more participants by dragging and dropping them into the Communications window.
To add another participant to a one-to-one call (multiparty calling):
- Establish a one-to-one call.
- Drag a new contact from the Contacts List and drop it into the Communication window.
- Contacts that have been added to your group call will be notified and immediately dialed.
- Once the contact accepts the call, the original call will be placed on hold. Click the merge button, indicated by the green button with arrows facing towards each other, to create a conference call. See Item 1.

Note: Multiparty Sessions do not support video calls.
You can have one active call at any one time if you receive a new incoming call and accept it. The existing call is put on hold and you can change between these two calls by using the "Hold" and “Unhold” buttons.
UC1 Communicator for Desktop supports both Blind and Attended Call Transfer.
To blind call transfer:
- Establish a one-to-one call.
- Click on the more options icon indicated by the nine dots from the top of the Communications Window. See Item 1.
- Click Transfer (See Item 2) and search for the contact you would like to transfer to. Once you have selected your contact click Transfer Now (See Item 3).
- The caller will be transferred to the selected contact and you will be disconnected from the call.
To attended call transfer:
- Establish a one-to-one call.
- Click on the more options icon indicated by the nine dots from the top of the Communications Window.
- Click Transfer and search for the contact you would like to transfer to. Once you have selected your contact choose Attended Audio or Attended Video (See Item 4)
- If you select Attended Audio, the primary caller will be placed on hold and you will begin dialing the selected contact as an audio-only call.
- If you select Attended Video, the primary caller will be placed on hold and you will begin dialing the selected contact through a video call. The selected contact will be asked to accept the attended call with video or with audio only. If the selected contact rejects video, the call will be downgraded into an audio only call.
- When ready, click Complete Transfer to transfer the original caller to the new contact. You will be disconnected from the call. See Item 5.

UC1 Communicator for Desktop supports both Visual Voice Mail (preview feature) and Message Waiting Indication (MWI) view in your application. The MWI service allows you to receive a notification for a waiting voice mail or video mail. It is also possible to call voice mail directly from dialer by pressing and holding the “1” icon in the dialer.
To access your voice mail:
- Click on the Call History tab on the side navigation bar. See Item 1.
- In the main window you will see a red notification listing all unheard voice mails. See Item 2.
- Click on the voice mail to open the playback button. Click the play button to play the voice mail. See Item 3.
Missed calls are indicated by an icon in the Main window. Missed video and audio calls are indicated with a different icon. Visual voice mail is also supported. You can see all voice mails in a list and play them inside the Main window.
The following settings are needed on CommPilot portal to have visual voicemail:
- Voice messaging enabled.
- When message arrives, use unified messaging” option enabled.
- “Use Phone Message Waiting Indicator” option enabled.
Auto-deleted voice mails are cleaned once a day.
Call Park is particularly suited for shared environments where one person can answer the call, park it, do something else for a while and continue the from another device or let somebody else continue the call (supported on native Desktop only).
Transfer an ongoing VoIP call to a Call Park server and then retrieve it when needed. An ongoing call can be parked against your own number or another number (an extension).
To park a call:
- Establish a one-to-one call.
- Click on the Park icon indicated by the “P” in a circle. See Item 1.
- A Park Call window will pop up and will prompt you to use your own extension to park the call or to enter in an extension to park the call.
- Click Park after selecting an extension. Your call will immediately be parked.

Note: If the parked call is not picked up after a set duration of time, the caller will redial. Decline the call to maintain its parked status.
To retrieve a call:
- From another phone in the company, dial the feature access code.
- You will immediately be connected to the parked caller.
You can control the functionality available to participants if you are the owner of the session in My Room. You can do the following:
- Dismiss one or more participants. This ends all sessions (group chat, audio, video, and share) when the participant is using Communicator for Desktop.
- Mute one or more participants.
- See active talker indication.
- See full audio participant list.
- Choose who can join without separate authorization (moderated My Room):
- Require only guests to request access.
- Require everyone to request access.
- Allow everyone to join automatically.
To invoke the features, you must use the right-click menus. Most of the features are not available via icons.
To dismiss, mute, or lock the room for all participants:
- Establish a multiparty call within My Room.
- Right-click on the 3 ellipses dots icon on the top of the Participant List.
- Select Dismiss All Participants to dismiss all the participants in a room. See Item 1.
- Select Mute All to mute all the participants in a room. See Item 2.

To dismiss or mute an individual participant:
- Establish a multiparty call within My Room.
- Right-click on the 3 ellipses dots icon on the participant’s icon.
- Select Dismiss to remove the participant from the room.
- Select Mute to mute the participant in the room.
• It is also possible to mute a participant by clicking on the microphone icon next to their icon on the Participants List. See Item 3.

Note: Dismissed participants can be added back into a room by dragging and dropping their contact back into My Room.
Active speakers in a call will have a flashing green line underneath their microphone icon. If you are not the owner, you can only see the Participant List. Moderator controls belong to the owner of the Room.
Communicator Desktop Communications window can be invoked from CC-One. The exact appearance can be dictated by your service provider and in general UC-1 can be hidden with some tones and notifications disabled.
Forced Configuration is supported. When enabled, you will be prompted to log in again when the configuration has changed. This will not happen however if you have ongoing calls, share, or group chat sessions.
A dialog box automatically opens when your login password must be changed (native Desktop only). You must provide the password two times for verification purposes. Using a menu in either the bottom right-hand corner or the top of the Main window, your password can be changed any time.
To read the service provider privacy policy:
- Login to UC1 Communicator.
- Click on the File pull-down menu.
- Click About UC1 Communicator. See Item 1.

Communicator supports accessibility compliance starting with Release 21.3.0 by having all client features available in menus at the top of the Main window (native Desktop only). The menu items are also available using the keyboard shortcuts listed in Appendix A: Keyboard Shortcuts for Desktop.
Release 21.6.0 added support for the following features:
- Dictation
- Screen reader (VoiceOver on macOS)
- Keyboard navigation
The following limitations apply:
- On macOS by default, the tab key moves the focus between text-inputs and lists. This can be changed through System Preferences - Keyboard - Shortcuts. Under Full Keyboard Access, select “All Controls” instead of “Text boxes and lists only”.
- Dictation on macOS: If WebRoot Secure Anywhere is used, Pause Secure Keyboard Entry must be selected.
- Users must manually select the correct language in screen reader. UC1 does not force screen reader’s language according to the language selection in the client.
- On macOS, the VoiceOver focus follows the VoiceOver Cursor. When VoiceOver is enabled, users are expected to navigate with the VoiceOver Cursor. That can be enabled through System Preferences - Accessibility - Voice Over - Open VoiceOver Utility. In the opened window, open “Navigation” and check “Keyboard focus follows VoiceOver cursor”.
- When using VoiceOver on macOS with different languages, the OS language, client language, and VoiceOver language must all be the same.
Recommended Preferences - General - Accessibility settings for screen reader/VoiceOver are:
- ToolTips disabled
- Pop-up errors enabled
UC1 Communicator can send analytics data to your service provider to improve the service. You can enable and disable this option in Preferences.
Communicator for Desktop supports Personal Identity Verification (PIV) on Windows only. If you have a PIV card and the associated card reader is attached to your PC, you can log in to Communicator by only providing a PIN related to your PIV card. It is possible to first use Communicator in non-PIV mode and later in PIV mode if your service provider has enabled this.
Other Communicator functionality is not impacted.
Communicator can also be deployed in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compliant mode if enabled by your service provider. In this mode, all encryption is done in an FIPS-compliant way. All functionality except the following is available:
• Banner
Release 22.4.0 added support for IPv6 as a preview feature and Release 22.5.0 as an official feature.
You may see a pop-up saying that you have been logged out due to another instance of the client logging in. This feature allows BluIP to track similar online client instances and only allow one of them to be online at the same time. When BluIP notifies the client to log out, all connections are terminated and the client returns to the login window.
You can control incoming and ongoing calls from a compatible headset. The feature set supported is answer/hang up as well as mute/unmute. Volume control operations are not reflected in the Communicator Interface. The following is a list of test example devices, although other devices should also work:
- Plantronics Voyager Edge UC
- Plantronics Savi 700 series
- Plantronics Blackwire C3xx, C4xx, C5xx, and C7xx
- Plantronics Calisto 620
- Plantronics Voyager Legend UC
- Logitech H570e Mono
- Logitech BCC950
- Logitech Conference Cam Connect
- Jabra Biz 2300/2400
- Jabra Speak 510
- Jabra Pro 930 (wireless)
- Sennheiser SC 230/260
- Sennheiser SP 20
- Sennheiser MB Pro1 UC
For a complete list of tested devices, see the BroadSoft Partner Equipment Interoperability Summary available on Xchange: https://xchange.broadsoft.com/node/464941
Headsets typically use an add-in of some kind to communicate with the rest of the client while calls are made. Currently, installed add-ins are visible from the Preference Add-Ins tab.
Some USB headsets may have additional functionality offered by the vendor-specific add-in such as answering the call directly when taking the USB headset off dock. See the USB headset documentation for details of such functionality. The following is the default add-in folder location (note that it is not possible to write to this location in all systems):
- Windows 7/Windows 8/8.1/10: C:\Program Files (x86)\BroadSoft\UC-1\connectors
Uninstallation does not remove add-in DLLs. In general, the following steps could be followed with third-party add-in DLLs.
- Make sure that both UC1 and the third-party add-in are installed.
- Go to UC-1 - Preference - Extensions.
- Enable your add-in of choice, either USB Device Add-in by BroadSoft or a USB headset vendor-specific one.
- Restart UC1 to take the changes into use.
Team Telephony is comprised of a Team Telephony window showing monitored team members and their call status (Available, Busy in Call, Ringing, and Offline).
The status for a Team Telephony member is shown in the Team Telephony window. When a line is ringing, you can see the caller ID in the respective lines tooltip if configured by your service provider. All team member performs the default action towards the contact. You can drag and drop people from the contact list to the Team Telephony window or vice versa to transfer or conference calls.
The corresponding server-side service must be provisioned and assigned by the service provider for the client to work. Usual call management options are available once the call has been answered.
To enable/disable Team Telephony:
- Click the Gear icon to open your preferences tab.
- Click on Services and select “Show Window”.
- Click Open when a team member rings. This will enable a pop-up window to open whenever a monitored Team Member receives an incoming call.
- Click Open when a team member rings so that it is grayed out to disable Team Telephony.

You can combine call processing with presence statuses (native Desktop only). For instance, the “Busy” status can be combined with Call Forwarding so that when the “Busy” presence status is used, calls are forwarded. It does not matter how the presence status is invoked, either automatically or manually.
All presence statuses can have presences rules:
- Available
- Busy
- Away
- Offline
The following call processing services can be used:
- Call forwarding to number
- No Rules
If presence rules are used, all your client devices should have this service enabled to avoid side effects. Silent Alerting is supported whenever an incoming call has that feature enabled. Silent alerting can only be enabled via presence rules in Communicator but various settings can also be altered via web provisioning.
You can also log in to your call center queues if you are a call center agent. You can do the following:
- View your call queues.
- Join your call queues.
- Set the Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) status so that you get incoming call center calls. However, this is dependent on your license settings.
With suitable ACD status such as “Available”, incoming calls to the queue are routed to your client. With “Unavailable” ACD status, the Do Not Disturb (DND) state can also be selected or “Personal Call”. Each ACD status indicates with text if you are to receive incoming call center calls.
Dynamic ACD status updates are not supported if the ACD status is changed somewhere else.
Depending on your service provider configuration, Communicator supports blocking of unauthorized file types in file transfer in order to support IT policies. When sending a file of an unauthorized type, there is an error message showing the cause of the file transfer failure.
Similarly, clickable links in chat may be disabled; however, you can still copy the link into a browser.
Communicator supports users with multiple devices, according to the XMPP specifications. This is comprised of several features:
- Chat invitations sent to a user are received on all devices. Once a particular device has been used to answer the chat invitation, subsequent incoming messages only go to that device.
- It is possible to receive your own presence notification when another device updates the user’s presence. The client will store this information and will update the other device’s presence status.
- Accepting a sharing presence invitation in one client is also recognized by another client and both clients start receiving presence updates.
- Last sent and received messages are available on all devices when the optional message history feature is in use. All devices should use that feature at the same time to avoid duplicate messages.
- Missed chat badges are synced across all own devices when this preview feature is enabled (native Desktop only).
- A new presence subscription made in one client is recognized in another. If the contact declines the “invitation,” there are presence notifications from the server to all of the user’s clients indicating that the subscription was terminated and this information is shown to the user. If the client receives two presence authorization requests from two or more devices for the same user, it only shows one request to the user.
- Removing a contact from the contact list in one device is recognized in another client and the contact list is updated (that is, the contact is removed) in the other client as well.
If a user has many devices, each device has the same status when shown to the end user. In addition, the contacts on the contact list always see the same status with updates shown in the following priority order:
- Busy
- Online
- Away
- Offline
This means, for example, that if one client publishes a Busy status, and another client publishes another status, contacts will see the user as Busy. Compatible devices such as desk phones are able to show presence in the same way.
Communicator keeps track of its own presence status as well as the status of other devices and deducts the combined presence based on these.
When Connect and Communicator Desktop are used together, the automated presence feature is recommended to be used to have presence shown fully in both clients as Connect does not use XMPP.
When Connect and Communicator Desktop are used together, there are also some rules about location. Mobile applications have a concept of background and foreground mode to save device resources. When Connect comes to the foreground, it updates its location.
The Desktop client does not have a separate state for being on foreground; it only detects general usage of the device. The client can be on the background or foreground and based on idle detection it can drop to away. This requires that the computer is not used at all; moving the mouse/using keyboard triggers resuming to available again and it also resets the idle timer. Today, idle detection (or returning from idle) does not trigger location update on Desktop in this release.
When both clients are set to automatic, the last one to publish location “wins.” As mentioned, connect updates the location in automatic mode when coming to the foreground while Desktop does not have a similar concept. In addition, the last location update, initiated by you, manual or automatic, “wins.”
Depending on your service provider settings, you may receive a notification to upgrade Communicator to a newer version. Starting with Release 22.3.0, this upgrade may take place automatically after you accept it in a separate dialogue. In older versions, you must manually install the downloaded upgraded version.
The upgrade may be recommended or mandatory. If it is mandatory, the Communicator does not start before the upgrade is done.
In automatic upgrade dialogue you can choose between:
- Remind Me Later You’ll get a new pop-up at next login.
- Skip this Version You won’t get a new pop-up for this version, but the next or if you manually check for updates in the menu.
- Update Now Upgrade is done immediately.
If you do not have administrator rights on your computer, the automatic upgrade typically does not work. An exception is when a login attempt fails because the mandatory upgrade is missing.
In general, there are two cases when automatic upgrade popups are shown to you when you do not have administrator rights:
- If the update is mandatory.
- If you installed Communicator without an Outlook Add-in and you also have access rights to write in the installation directory.
System requirements are as follows on native Desktop:
- Operating system: Mac OS 10.11 El Capitan, Mac OS 10.12 Sierra, Mac OS 10.13 High Sierra, Mac OS 10.14 Mojave, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1, or Windows 10 (Classical view only).
- The installation footprint is approximately 125 megabytes (MB) on Mac OS and 215 MB on Windows.
- For voice calls, a sound card, speakers, and a microphone or a headset are required.
- For video calls, a web cam is required.
Minimum system requirements for respective operating systems need to be fulfilled, with the following additions:
- A minimum of 2 GB random access memory (RAM) is required.
- A minimum 1.5 GHz CPU is recommended. A dual core CPU is recommended for video calls at a minimum.
- Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) 1.5 or higher is recommended.
For high definition (HD) video, the following is recommended:
- HD camera.
- HD resolution support in display.
- Quad Core x86 or equivalent at a minimum.
- 4 GB RAM VDI environments are not supported.
VDI environments are not supported.
This section provides a table describing the presence state changes based on the presence state that Communicator has as well as the presence status of other devices that the same user has active. There is a distinction between what is shown in the UI and what is the internal presence status of the Communicator client since the design is to show the same own presence in the UI of all own online devices. The following table is applicable from Release 21.3.0 to 21.6.0 when the presence aggregation feature is not used. Earlier releases have slightly different behavior in some cases. The table describes presence state changes when steps 1 through 6 are executed in order, starting from step 1 and continuing through to step 6. See Figure 1.

The previous scenario happens when typing or mouse movement occurs on the desktop machine in steps 4 and 6. If this is not done, then the away status would be the desktop’s “own” presence and table would look as follows (same states in the beginning and different ones marked in green). See Figure 2.

My Room is an always available and permanent room you can use to chat with anyone that joins. If you have a conference bridge assigned to your profile, you and your attendees can have Call or Video sessions while in a room. Screen Sharing is also available via My Room. If a conference bridge is not specified, you cannot initiate a call in your room. See Figure 1.

Note: Your Room will list your Dial-In Number, Conference ID, and Moderator PIN. This information will be used by other users to dial-in to your Room for meetings.
To invite users into your room:
- Click on the My Room icon indicated by the house in the right corner of the Main Window. This will bring up a My Room communication window on the right. See Item 1.
- From here, click on the Contacts tab from the side navigation bar.
- Drag and drop desired contacts from your Contacts List into your room window.
- Users who you invite to your room will receive a notification stating that they have been added to your room.
To invite users to your room from the Main Window:
- Click on the Plus icon indicated by the plus sign inside of a square.
- Click on the My Room icon indicated by the house inside of the “New” window.
- Search by name or number for a contact in the New My Room Invitation.
- Select the desired contact and click Send Invite.
- Your contact will be notified that they have been invited to join your room.

To join someone else’s room:
- Click on the Contacts tab from the side navigation bar.
- Right-click on the contact’s name and select Join Room. See Item 1.
3. Click on an invitation to sent you to join someone’s room.

Note: Although calls can occur in a user's room, they cannot be transferred.
To join a conference call from someone's room:
- Join a contact's room.
- Click the Call button on the top window to join the conference.
To use the full functionality of My Room (desktop sharing, conferencing, and chat combined) you may have to manually enter your desktop sharing credentials unless it is automated through your service provider.
To see a Context menu (Room Info/Conference Bridge Details):
- Right click on the lowercase “I” inside of a circle on the right-hand corner of the My Room tab. See Item 2.
- The Room’s information include the Room’s participants, Dial-In Numbers, Conference IDs and Moderator PINs. See Item 3.

Copy Guest Link allows you to copy an invitation link to the device’s clipboard. This link can be pasted in an email or in chats to allow Communicator participants to join the conference in one click, for example, Outlook, or Office applications.
Note: Some applications may not recognize the Communicator link. Copy the My Room Invitation to the default email client (this text does not contain the Communicator link) and go to the My Room preferences via a right-click menu option.
The link has two parts: one for Communicator users and another one for users with a different client. The link will contain a link to the desktop sharing session. The invitation always contains a dial-in number and PIN for users who do not have Communicator.
The desktop share link, when available, allows anyone to join a desktop share session from a standard web browser. In addition, the Communicator group chat session is supported with the web collaboration sessions.
For more information on desktop sharing, see the previous section.
My Room uses our permanent chat room, permanent collaboration, and conference bridge (audio or video). My Room is the only way to use the permanent rooms. Any other multiparty communications, such as selecting multiple contacts, and right-clicking for a conference call, or dragging and dropping for a one-to-one chat, is done using ad hoc rooms. Ad hoc rooms are deleted once the session is over.
All My Room sessions start as chats; call and/or share can be added to the session while in progress. File transfer and video conferencing are not supported in My Room or ad hoc session. You cannot transfer or conference My Room calls.
Guest client allows you to join a full My Room session with a web browser. Guest client allows you to do that.
This feature is especially intended for users outside of the company. Generate separate invitations for guest users using My Room right-click menu items as described in the previous section. My Room invitations are generated using separate menu items and are intended for Communicator users.
Guest users can join a session with audio in the web browser by requesting a callback using the provided dial-in number and conference PIN as well as use group chat and sharing inside the web browser. However, guest clients do not private chat possibility and they can see the chat history of messages that occurred after they joined the session.
The invitations persist until reset via a separate right-click. Individually accept each joining guest participant. Not doing this in a predefined period results in the invitation becoming obsolete and guests not being able to use the link to join.
After dismissing a guest use from share and chat, the audio/video portion can remain. The following OS and browser combination are supported if Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) is disabled by your service provider:
- Latest Chrome on Windows (Windows 7, Windows 8 [Classic], and Windows 8.1 [Classic]) and macOS (10.8 and 10.9)
- Internet Explorer 11 on Windows (Windows 7, Windows 8 [Classic], and Windows 8.1 [Classic]
- Safari 7 on macOS 10.8 and 10.9.
The following OS and browser combinations are supported if Web RTC is enabled:
- Latest Chrome on Windows (Windows 7, Windows 8 [Classic], and Windows 8.1 [Classic]) and macOS (10.8 10.9, and 10.10)
Guest Client Usage
This section provides more hands-on information about guest client usage.

- Right-click on the My Room icon to copy the guest join link and send it to a guest via email or other means. You can also use the Copy Guest Link feature in My Room. See Item 1.
- The guest can open the link in one of the supported browsers, enter their name and password, and then click Join Room. See Item 2.
- Once you click on Join Room, you will see a notification on your My Room.
- Open your My Room and accept the guest request.
- The guest is allowed into your room and can now participate in multi-user chat with other participants in the room.
- You can start your desktop share from the Desktop client and the guest then sees it.
- The guest can also request the conference bridge to call them by entering a phone number and clicking on the CALL ME button. See Item 3.
- The guest can also manually call the conference bridge directly by using the provided dial-in information.
Communicator supports a search of the enterprise directory as well as the personal directory, enterprise common directory, and group common directory. This takes place in the same Search field that is used for both a local and presence-enabled contact list search. The various directories have different purposes with the enterprise directory having the most data, and not all directories may be used in all deployments. All search results are combined into one common set of results. See Figure 1.
Personal directory, enterprise common, and group common directories cannot be modified from the client side. Only read access is provided. A snapshot of the presence status of the contact in the results list is shown, but this presence is not updated after the search operation. Personal directory provides your own special contacts that are not in the enterprise directory, for instance, partner company’s numbers while group common contains, for example, the group’s contacts such as favorite pizza taxi.
Communicator automatically searches the local contacts and presence-enabled contact list in addition to the enterprise and other directories at the same time. As soon as there are results from the enterprise and other directories, these results are shown on a separate list in the Main window. Additionally, there may be other search result groups from other search sources such as LDAP or Outlook (native Desktop only). Search results are displayed differently depending on the results of the contact list and directory search:
- If LDAP search (Corporate directory) or Outlook search are enabled, there are more result groups.
- If there are no results for a certain search source (for example, local contacts, Outlook, LDAP, or Telephony Directory), then that group is different in the user interface.

Outlook integration (search and calendar integration) on Windows requires one of the following versions installed on the desktop:
- Outlook 2010
- Outlook 2013
- Outlook 2016
Outlook search also works when several Outlook accounts are in use, but only one account is used at a time (default selected, which can be changed in Outlook). Additionally, other related considerations are as follows:
- The client searches for contacts and calendar entries in the default Outlook account. The account is set to the default via File → Info (left pane) → Account Settings → Account Settings → Data Files.
- Select an account and mark it as “Set as Default”. After making this change, sign out and sign back in to the client and it now searches that account for contacts and calendar entries.
- The client searches the Outlook contacts only on the local machine (that is, the Outlook Address Book). There is no Exchange server lookup performed. In addition, all directories in Outlook are searched for contacts, even deleted folders. The Contacts directory can also have multiple levels of subfolders.
- Every minute, Communicator reads Outlook appointments. If there is an appointment running at the current time, then the presence is shown as Busy – In Meeting. Overlapping appointments are also handled. The following are some examples of Communicator operation with Outlook when the time is 9:10 A.M.
- There is meeting “A” 9 A.M. Presence is shown as Busy – In Meeting.
- Presence is manually changed to Available at 9:15 A.M. Presence is shown as Available.
- In the next minute, Communicator again reads the appointments and sees that “A” meeting is running; however, the presence was already manually marked as Available and therefore presence is shown as Available.
- There is an overlapping meeting “B” 9:30 A.M. through 10:30 A.M. Presence is shown as Busy – In Meeting when the time is 9:30 A.M.
When deleting a meeting that is currently ongoing in Outlook, the presence status remains as Busy— In Meeting until the next time Outlook appointments are checked (once every minute) and after that, presence is shown as Available. This change may be instantaneous, or it may take a minute depending on how close the timer is to being triggered.
The Outlook Object Security model was introduced in Outlook 2007; however, it is no longer supported.
For Outlook versions prior to 2007, the Allow/Deny pop-up window seen in previous releases should not be triggered. However, those versions are not officially supported. For Outlook 2013, the behavior should be similar to 2010, meaning the pop-up should not come up with Outlook 2010 and 2013.
The presence update is only triggered by appointments and meetings that are either accepted by the user or made by them. All day meetings do not trigger a presence change to Busy—In Meeting.
Communicator allows for browsing of an entire enterprise directory.
To view the enterprise directory:
- Click the Directory button, indicated by a globe, on the left-hand side of the navigation pane. See Item 1.
- This will open up a Contacts List that displays all enterprise contacts.

Chat History
The Text Bubble icon is the second from the top, indicated by a chat bubble, on the side navigation bar. Clicking on this icon will list all of your recent chats.
- Unread chats will be listed in bold.
- Double-click on a previous conversation to open the chat window.
Chat history for group chats, both in My Room and in instant group chat, are stored locally on the Desktop client, just like in one-to-one chat, but only for the time the user is joined into the session.
Call History
The Call History icon is the third icon from the top, indicated by a handset with a clock, on the side navigation bar. Clicking this icon will list all of your recent calls. Also displayed is your visual voice mail.
Communicator saves a call history for incoming, outgoing, and missed calls. The call history makes it easy for you to redial and call back when you have missed a call or you want to easily dial a contact with whom you have recently spoken. Each call has a separate entry in the list.
- Outgoing Calls are displayed by an arrow pointing away from the contact’s icon. See Item 1.
- Incoming Calls are displayed by an arrow pointing towards the contact’s icon. See Item 2.
- Missed Calls are displayed in red and have an arrow pointing away from the contact’s icon. See Item 3.
To clear “unviewed” call history:
- Right-click on the Call History icon. See Item 4.
- Select Mark All as Viewed to mark voice mails and missed calls as viewed.
- Select Mark Calls as Viewed to only mark missed calls as viewed.
- Select Mark Voice mails as Viewed to only mark voice mails as viewed.

Note: Call History cannot be cleared.
The Outlook Add-In for Communicator provides integration between Communicator Desktop and Microsoft Outlook.
With this add-in, you can have Microsoft Outlook display Communicator contact presence and invoke Communicator functions like chat, call from computer, call from phone, and video call from within Outlook.
Depending on your service provider settings, Presence is from Communicator. Additionally, chat and SIP calls are done with Communicator.
The following platforms are supported:
- Microsoft Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, and Outlook 2016. See note for exceptions.
- Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10.
- Communicator Release 20.2.0.x or higher officially supported version.
Note: The current version of this add-in cannot be used if you have Microsoft Office Communicator installed. You must uninstall these products if you want to use this add-in.
The following language and locale combinations are supported in the installer and the add-in:
- Chinese (Simplified)
- English
- French
- French (Canada)
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Spanish
- Spanish (CALA)
- Portuguese (European)
- Dutch
The following third-party components must be installed for the add-in to function correctly:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
- Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) 2010 Runtime
These components are downloaded and installed by the installer if they are not found. They should not be uninstalled, as the add-in cannot function correctly. In addition, for Outlook 2016 and the Outlook Add-in (OL2016 Add-in), there are further considerations as follows:
- The Outlook Add-in can only be installed by an administrator.
- If an administrator installs for all users and a normal user starts using the OL2016 Add-in, Communicator must start before Outlook.
- For logging to work normally, Communicator must start before Outlook. • Every logging level change requires a restart of both Communicator and Outlook for changes to take effect. This should be quite rarely needed.
- If Outlook is closed while Communicator is running, Communicator must be restarted as well for the Outlook UI to behave as expected.
- Communicator lists connected components as extensions, if connected is NO or if component version number is something other than, or both presence GW and add-in are not listed, an error has occurred. Component is visible under Options - Add-ins - UI, which displays registered and working add-ins on top, below stopped or nonworking ones.
- If both are listed and show connected is YES, but the Outlook UI does not work, restart both apps.
- For Outlook upgrade requirements, see section 17.5 Installation.
- For Outlook 2010, all contacts must be updated to have a SIP address. For Outlook 2013/2016, the following applies:
- The SIP address does not need to be entered for the contacts, as long as there is an email address that matches the Outlook contact. The same value is looked for in the SIP address field, but it is probably more practical to have it in the email address.
- The Outlook Add-in allows you to choose which number to call.
- Two Outlook or Communicator contacts cannot have the same email address, otherwise full functionality cannot be guaranteed.
Note: Communicator must be installed with administrator privileges in C:/Program Files OR the C:/Program Files (x86) folder.
Log files for the Add-in are located in the Communicator log directory. You can open the folder via Preferences - Advanced by clicking on the Show logs button. Outlook Add-in logging is turned on when Communicator logging is enabled.
Figure 1 lists all the registry entries added or modified by the installer.

Note: This section is only applicable if you use Microsoft Exchange with Outlook. You do not need to configure the SIP address for SMTP-based accounts (for example, Gmail).
In order for the Outlook Add-in to integrate with Communicator, you must set a SIP address for each contact. The SIP address for a contact in Outlook must match the SIP URI, Instant Messaging and Presence (IM&P) address, or Email field in Communicator. This is usually done by your Microsoft Exchange or Active Directory administrator.
You can check if a SIP address has been configured for contacts by looking at the Outlook properties for a contact. In Outlook 2010, open a contact card and then click on the View more options button as shown in Figure 1.
Then select the Email Addresses tab. It should have a SIP address in the list of Email Addresses as shown in Figure 2.
If the SIP address is missing, you can try to update the Address Book from the server as shown in Figure 3.
Additionally, when adding contacts from Outlook to Communicator, the IM address field can be populated in Outlook so that the presence feature can work directly on the Communicator side as the information is imported to the Communicator contact card.

The Outlook Add-in displays the presence of a contact in Outlook. Presence information is retrieved from Communicator and is displayed as an icon next to the contact in emails and calendar appointments. The following is an example of an email with the To, From, and Cc fields showing presence for various contacts.
A contact’s presence can be Available, Away, Busy, or Offline as shown in Figure 1.
Note: You must be signed in to Communicator for the presence to be displayed. Additionally, presence is only shown for contacts that have a valid SIP address and are in your contacts list in Communicator.

Right-click on an email in your inbox and call or chat with the sender using Communicator. You have the option to Chat, Call (from Computer), Call from Phone, or Video Call as shown in Figure 1.

Note: Some of these options may not be available for all contacts. The chat option is only applicable to contacts that are in Communicator. Call options are applicable to all contacts as long as they have a valid phone number.
These contact actions are also available on a contact card as shown in Figure 2.

You can call any of the multiple phone numbers present in the Outlook contact card. This feature is available from received mail context menu, flagged mail context menu, and Contact’s context menu. You can also call the selected phone numbers via Call, Call from Phone, and Video Call.
However, you cannot call multiple numbers for contacts stored on the UC1 client or contacts in LDAP (AD) directories; only numbers stored in Outlook.
See Figure 1 for an example of how to make the call from a received mail context menu.

The Outlook Add-in installation is integrated with the Communicator installation. There is a check box in the installer to enable the Outlook Add-in installation. If Outlook is upgraded, the Outlook Add-in must be re-installed, since the Add-in uses different files depending on the Outlook version.
The Outlook Add-in installation requires administrator rights to the computer for all Outlook versions.
Uninstall Outlook Add-in for Communicator
Uninstallation is done together with uninstallation of Communicator.
Depending on your configuration, a number of options are possible:
- Emergency Call Address Change Service (ECACS) is enabled.
- Emergency calls are disabled.
- Banner used for conveying your emergency call location.
- Login dialog shown at login to inform you about your service provider’s emergency call procedures.
Emergency Call Address Change Service
Depending on your settings, a special dialog can be shown at login, asking if the (physical) address needs to be updated (native Desktop only). If not, login proceeds normally. If the user replies “yes,” a web browser opens with the possibility to update the physical address for emergency calls. Once the address update is complete, login continues.
Depending on service provider settings, a separate ECACS menu item may also be visible in the Main window. The menu item allows ECACS to be invoked at any time after login.
Preferences provide access to available settings for Communicator. Follow these steps to access Preferences.
- Click the Gear icon on the bottom left of the application screen.
- Select the desired view from the drop-down.
- Click File on the top left corner of the application screen.
- Click Options.
This will bring up the Preferences menu in the main application screen. See Figure 1.

You can specify various voicemail settings, such as which calls are sent to voicemail, what kinds of notifications you receive when voicemail arrives as well as controlling how fast the voicemail greeting is played and if callers are allowed to leave voice mails. In addition, you can control how callers can end up going to voice mail. See Figure 1.
Blue check marked boxes mean that the setting is enabled. Blank boxes mean that the setting is disabled. Click the slider buttons so that they display blue to enable settings.
Click the slider buttons so that they display grey to disable settings.
Changes will be automatically be saved.

Signing out of Communicator sets your status to “Offline” for your contacts and displays the Sign In screen.
Sign Out of Communicator
To sign out, follow these steps.
To sign out:
- Click the File button on the top left corner of the Main application screen.
- Click Sign Out. You will immediately be signed out of Communicator.
To exit application:
- Click the File button on the top left corner of the Main application screen.
- Click Exit UC1 Communicator. The application will terminate and you will be signed out of Communicator.
To sign out:
- Click UC1 Communicator from the top status bar.
- Click Sign Out. You will immediately be signed out of Communicator.
To exit application:
- Click UC1 Communicator from the top status bar.
- Click Quit UC1 Communicator. The application will terminate and you will be signed out of Communicator.
Note: Closing the Main window (not the sign In window) does not exit the application; but rather, minimizes the application to the system tray (Dock). This allows you to continue to receive calls and messages without having the contact List window appearing on the desktop.
Why are my Emojis showing as black boxes?
The Segoe UI font is required for the Emojis to appear correctly. For more information to install the Segoe UI font, see the following article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4021341/emojis-are-not-displayed-in-officeapplications-in-windows-7
Why did I lose chat history after an upgrade to a renamed Communicator?
When installing a Communicator version that has a different application name, the history is specific to that application name. If the application name remains the same in the upgrade, the previous history is available.
Why can’t I change the avatar?
Double-clicking the avatar should open a File Explorer view to select a file. If your XMPP connection is lost, changing the avatar does not succeed. A lost XMPP connection is indicated in the Main window’s top notification area.
My contacts are all offline and my client’s status bar says “XMPP unavailable”. What does this mean?
It means that the XMPP connectivity has been lost for chat, as well as for presence; however, you can still make calls. You should contact your service provider.
Why am I offline?
If you have selected “Offline” status, you are shown as offline to others. Another possibility is that you may have lost your Internet connection. In this case, the client does not log out, but rather enters an offline mode where a contact list is available, but communication is not possible.
Why can’t I have more video resolutions available?
You can choose your video resolution from Preferences and the Video tab. Your selection is used by default for future video calls. The available resolutions are automatically presented based on your camera.
Why does my all day calendar entry not trigger Busy - In Meeting presence status?
Not all meetings trigger a presence change to Busy In Meeting. To trigger the presence update, the meeting must be in the Show me as Busy state.
Why aren’t all my group chat messages saved?
Only the newest chat room messages are stored on the server, but never for My Room for security reasons. Starting from Release 21.3.0, when the optional (Preview mode in Release 21.3.0 and fully supported in Release 21.4.0) message history feature is enabled by your service provider, messages sent from other devices are also shown.
Why aren’t all my chat messages available in my other devices?
All one-on-one and group chat messages are saved, but only locally, so they are not necessarily available in your other devices. Incoming messages are sent to all devices; however, the ones that you send are only stored in the device that you are using to send the message. Starting from Release 21.3.0, when the optional (Preview mode in Release 21.3.0) message history feature is enabled by your service provider, messages sent from other devices are also shown.
Why can’t I change the XMPP address of a contact?
This is not supported in this release. However, you can delete the contact and add a new one.
Why does my location show an incorrect address?
It is done based on the public IP address that the machine is using. The IP address is mapped to a physical location.
Why can’t I start desktop sharing?
To share your desktop, you need to have valid credentials, either by manually entering desktop sharing credentials in the Preferences → Credentials window, or by using auto-provisioning to enable the desktop sharing menu items and icons. However, you can participate in desktop sharing sessions even without any sharing credentials. Your service provider settings dictate if auto-provisioning is enabled or not.
Why can’t My Room participants share the desktop?
Only the owner of the room can share the desktop before Release 21.2.0. Starting in Release 21.2.0, participants can also share when enabled by the service provider. This applies to both My Room and ad hoc sessions.
I have a USB headset and the Call Control features are not working. Is there anything special I need to do to enable Call Control support?
In order to use headsets on Windows (not supported on Mac OS), several steps are needed:
- When the client is started, you must accept the API connection request from the connector/add-in device.
- Additionally, your client must have the feature enabled by your service provider.
- If your USB headset uses its own add-in, the standard HID Add-in from BroadSoft must be disabled, as both cannot be used at the same time. In addition, you must have “Allow 3rd party extensions” check box checked in Preferences → Extensions tab.
- After upgrading UC1, some USB headset add-ins may get deleted causing call control to not work and the add-in to not be visible in Preferences. As a workaround, repairing/re-installing the add-in software corrects this.
Why is the Outlook Add-in disabled?
If the context menu does not show Add-in menu items, this could be due to the Outlook Add-in disabled by Outlook for slow loading. This happens primarily in Outlook 2013. In such cases, enable this add-in by selecting the Outlook menu → File → Info → Manage Add-Ins → Communication Add-in → Always enable this add-in from the displayed menu. See Figure 1.

The following third-party software is used in Communicator.
Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Copyright (c) 2011, The WebRTC project authors. All rights reserved.
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* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Google nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Copyright (c) 2013, Cisco Systems. All rights reserved.
OpenH264 License: https://github.com/cisco/openh264/blob/master/LICENSE
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Based on a C implementation of the Blowfish algorithm by Paul Kocher
UUID - RFC4412
** Copyright (c) 1990 - 1993, 1996 Open Software Foundation, Inc.
** Copyright (c) 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, Ca. &
** Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
** Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft.
** To anyone who acknowledges that this file is provided "AS IS" without any express or implied warranty: permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this file for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notices and this notice appears in all source code copies, and that none of the names of Open Software Foundation, Inc., Hewlett-Packard Company, Microsoft, or Digital Equipment Corporation be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. Neither Open Software Foundation, Inc., Hewlett-Packard Company, Microsoft, nor Digital Equipment Corporation make any representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
Copyright (c) 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All rights reserved.
License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it is identified as the “RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm” in all material mentioning or referencing this software or this function.
License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided that such works are identified as “derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm” in all material mentioning or referencing the derived work.
RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this software for any particular purpose. It is provided “as is” without express or implied warranty of any kind.
Copyright (c) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.
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The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and are not revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Zetetic LLC
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* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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* Neither the name of the ZETETIC LLC nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
The following third-party libraries are in use based on LGPL license.
This software uses Qt libraries licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 2.1.
Qjson Copyright 2012 Flavio Castelli
QXmpp Copyright 2008-2011 The QXmpp developers
QCA Copyright 2003-2007 Justin Karneges justin@affinix.com. Copyright 2004-2006 Brad Hards bradh@frogmouth.net
LGPL license are available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html.
LGPL license is also available locally with this software, at the installation directory.
BSD license
The following software is used based on BSD license:
OpenSSL - Copyright 1998-2011.
The OpenSSL Project.
License available at http://www.openssl.org/source/license.html.
Breakpad - Copyright 1998, Regents of the University of California
Breakpad license available at http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause.
Stackwalker - Copyright 2009, Jochen Kalmbach
License available at http://stackwalker.codeplex.com/license.
Apache license 2.0
The following third-party libraries are using Apache license 2.0:
Log4cxx - Copyright 2012 Apache Software Foundation.
License available at http://logging.apache.org/log4cxx/license.html.
Non-restrictive license
The following third-party library is used based on its own non-restrictive license:
OpenLDAP - Copyright 2013, OpenLDAP Foundation.
OpenLDAP license is available online for review at http://www.openldap.org/software/release/license.html.
OpenLDAP license is also available locally with this software at the installation directory.
Free software
The following free software is only used when third-party software is using the Communicator API via LGPL, MIT, BSD, or another license:
Tufao (LGPL2.1) Copyright 2012 Vinicius dos Santos Oliveira vini.ipsmaker@gmail.com
Libcurl Copyright 1996 - 2013, Daniel Stenberg, daniel@haxx.se
License available at http://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html.
Tinythread++ - Copyright 2012 Marcus Geelnard
License available at http://opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php.
Picojson Copyright 2009-2010 Cybozu Labs, Inc. Copyright 2011 Kazuho Oku
License available at https://github.com/kazuho/picojson/blob/master/LICENSE.
Easywsclient Copyright 2012, 2013 dhbaird@gmail.com
License available at https://github.com/dhbaird/easywsclient/blob/master/COPYING.
The Qt Toolkit is Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
You may use, distribute and copy the Qt GUI Toolkit under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.
This license makes reference to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
LGPL license are available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html.
Emoji artwork provided by EmojiOne.