UC1 Connect Mobile User Guide

UC1 Connect is a messaging-centered client available for both Android and iOS mobile phone platforms. UC1 Connect integrates closely with the BroadWorks service delivery platform. More specifically, client capabilities are enabled through services assigned to the user’s BroadWorks profile. All messaging communication is achieved through push notifications over HTTP-based RESTful interfaces. UC1 Connect enables you to message users as well as receive SMS messages from any SMS enabled device. You can also place VoIP calls to SIP URIs in addition to regular telephone numbers. In addition, visual voice mail is also available for missed calls. UC1 Connect's "Group" feature also optimizes your communication with specific members.


UC1 Connect Setup

To start using UC1 Connect, you can install it from the Apple AppStore or the Google Play Store on your mobile device.

Sign In

  1. Enter your UC1 Connect username and password. See Figure 1.
  2. Tap Sign In.
  3. When you first login to UC1 Connect, you will be prompted to enter your phone number. See Figure 2. This is required to enable the full support of UC1 calling capabilities. Enter your mobile phone number and tap Sign In.
  4. Allow access to: Location, Contacts, Microphone, Camera and Notifications.

You have now set up UC1 Connect successfully.

My Information

You can access the UC1 Connect menu by tapping the Menu symbol ( ) on the top left corner of your screen. See Figure 1.

Tap your avatar to access your information as well as update your status, location, availability or avatar photo.

To update your avatar:

  • Tap on the edit button in the top right corner. This will bring up the “Edit My Profile” page. Tap the edit button on the bottom of your avatar. You will then be prompted to “Use Camera” or to “Choose Existing Photo”. Select one of these options to update your avatar.

To update your status:

  • Tap on the section marked What’s on your mind?”. Your mobile device’s keyboard will pop up. Tap Done to save your status.

Your status is a public message visible to anyone in your Contacts List.

To update your location:

UC1 Connect allows you to set your Location automatically or to set your Location manually.

  • Automatic Location is the application default.
  • To set Location manually, tap the slider on “Set Location Automatically” so that it displays as grey. This will open the manual Location editor. Enter a location and tap Share in the top right corner. Tap Done to save your changes.
  • To hide your Location, tap No Location from the manual Location editor. Tap Done to save your changes.

To update your availability:

When using UC1 Connect, your availability will automatically change to “Busy” when you are in a call or in a meeting. However, it is also possible to manually set your availability status.

  • From the “My Profile” page, tap on Mobile, located underneath your avatar.
  • Select either Automatic, Available, Away, or Busy. Your status will immediately be updated.

See Figure 2.


UC1 Connect allows users to create and manage groups, members, and favorites. Once a group member or favorite is created, the user can easily initiate any of the following actions based on the information contained in the member/favorite’s profile:

  • Send a message
  • Initiate a video or voice-only call
  • Call into their “My Room”
  • Join their “My Room”
  • Send an e-mail through devices default e-mail application
  • Add them to another Group

To create a Group:

  1. Tap the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Groups from the side menu page.
  2. Tap on the pencil icon to add a new Group. Enter a Group Name and then tap Create in the top right corner. Your group will immediately be created. See Figure 1.

To add members to a Group:

  1. Tap the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Groups from the side menu page.
  2. Tap on the Group Name that you would like to add members to. Tap on the person icon with a plus sign in the top right corner of the screen. Search for contact to add and tap Done. The contact will immediately be added to your group.

To remove members from a Group:

  1. Tap the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Groups from the side menu page.
  2. Tap on the Group that you would like to edit. Swipe to the left on the contact that you would like to delete from a group.
  3. Tap Delete to immediately delete the contact from the Group. See Figure 2.

UC1 Connect for mobile devices allows you to add contacts from your local address book, enterprise directory, or call history into a Favorites group. Similar to Groups, once a contact is added into your Favorites, the user can easily initiate any of the following actions based on the information contained in the member/favorite’s profile:

  • Chat
  • Initiate a video or voice-only call
  • Call into their “My Room”
  • Join their “My Room”
  • Send an e-mail through the default e-mail application
  • Add them to another Group

To add a user to your Favorites:

  1. Tap the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Favorites from the side menu page.
  2. Tap on the pencil icon to search for contacts to add into your Favorites Group. Tap on the contact you would like to add. They will immediately be added into your Favorites. See Figures 1 and 2.

To remove a user from your Favorites:

  1. Tap on Favorites from the side menu page.
  2. Tap on the contact entry for the user that you would like to remove.
  3. From the favorite’s profile page, tap Remove from Favorites. The contact will immediately be removed from your Favorites page.

The Directory tab in UC1 Connect allows users to search for contacts in both their BroadWorks Enterprise Directory and their local phone directory or contacts list. Note that the BroadWorks enterprise contacts are not synchronized with the device. A live search is performed to find the best match stored on BroadWorks. (i.e. 7475554617@sms.bluip.com)

To search for contacts:

  1. Tap the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Directory from the side menu page.
  2. Tap on the search bar to bring up your mobile device’s keyboard. Begin typing a contact name into the search bar. See Figure 1.
  3. Select the contact to open up their contact information.
  4. Tap on Chat to send a message to the contact. Tap Call to initiate a video or voice-only call with the contact. See Figure 2.
  5. The device registered to that contact’s phone number will receive the call or message.
Call History

The UC1 Call History displays outgoing, incoming, and missed calls. The call history makes it easy for you to redial and call back when you have missed a call, or when you want to easily dial a contact from a recent call. Each call has a separate entry in the list.

Each call entry shows:

  • Display name
  • Extension or phone number
  • Date and time stamp of the call

Users can also choose to clear all Call History or manually remove calls individually.  

To delete the entire Call History:

  1. Tap on the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Call History.
  2. Tap on the trashcan icon on the top right of the screen. See Item 1. A notification will pop up asking to confirm the Delete Call History request.
  3. Tap Delete History to immediately delete your entire Call History. See Item 2.

To delete individual entries:

  1. Tap on the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Call History.
  2. Swipe to the left on the call entry that you would like to delete.
  3. Tap Delete to immediately delete that specific Call History entry. See Item 3.

Call Types

The Call History displays three different call types: Outgoing, Incoming, and Missed Calls.

Outgoing Calls are calls that you initiate. They are indicated in the Call History by an arrow that points away from the avatar icon. See Item 4.

Incoming Calls are calls that you receive. They are indicated in the Call History by an arrow that points towards the avatar icon. See Item 5.

Missed Calls are calls that you do not answer. They are indicated in the Call History by a red arrow. See Item 6.

Voice Mail

The Voice Mail page displays your visual voice mail. All received voice mails are listed in the order that they were received. A red icon preceding the Voice Mail heading will indicate the number of new voice mails. See Figure 1.

Tapping on an individual voice mail opens the visual voice mail options.  From the visual voice mail options, users can:

  • Play the message
  • Play message in speaker mode
  • Call back the caller
  • Mark the message as played
  • Delete the message

To delete a voice mail:

  1. Tap on the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Voice Mail.
  2. Swipe to the left on the voice mail entry. Tap Delete to delete the voice mail.

It is also possible to view the information of a caller from the Voice Mail page.

To view a voice mail caller’s information:

  1. Tap on the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Voice Mail.
  2. Swipe to the left on the voice mail entry you would like to view. Tap Profile to view the caller’s information.

There are also additional functions accessible by tapping on the ellipsis icon on the top right of the screen. Additional functions include:

  • Voice Mail Settings
  • Call Voice Mail

Selecting the Voice Mail Settings opens the Call Settings window to allow the user to change their voice mail settings by taping on the down arrow for the voice mail.


The UC1 Connect Dialpad has been in enhanced to supporting placing VoIP calls to SIP URIs in addition to regular telephone numbers. SIP URI dialing is supported in the following places:

  • Dialpad. When selecting the input field, a full keyboard is displayed allowing the user to enter the full SIP URI.
  • Contact profile. SIP URIs are now supported in the following contact fields: work,mobile, extension, personal, and conference bridge.
  • Custom URL scheme. SIP URIs can now be passed when invoking the client using acustom URL scheme.

Tapping on the top input field of the Dialpad will open your iOS or Android soft keyboard to allow you to enter SIP URI addresses.

To make an audio/video call:

  1. Tap on the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Dialpad.
  2. Enter the phone number or extension of the contact you would like to reach. Tap the camera icon to call with video communication. Tap on the handset icon to initiate an audio-only call. See Item 1.

Tap and hold the "1" on the dialpad to automatically dial your voice mail.

If you initiate a call with video, the receiving contact will need to consent to receiving video communication. If they decline incoming videos, the call will be downgraded into an audio-only call.


The Settings tab in UC1 Connect allows the user to change the calling options.

Call Settings

To access Call Settings:

  1. Tap on the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen. Tap on Settings.
  2. Tap on Call Settings. This will bring you to a menu with four sections: Incoming Calls, Outgoing Calls, Voice Mail, and Call Control. See Figure 1.
Incoming Calls Settings

Incoming Calls settings allow the user to change (See Figure 1):

Do Not Disturb

When you activate this service, all calls are typically blocked by the server and are sent to voice mail.

  • Enable this by tapping the slider so that it displays as blue.

Anonymous Call Rejection

The Anonymous Call Rejection service allows you to reject calls from parties who have explicitly restricted their identities.

  • Enable this by tapping the slider so that it displays as blue.

Call Forwarding

By tapping on a different Call Forward option, you can enter a number to forward your calls as follows: Call Forward Always, When Busy, When No Answer, or When Not Reachable.

  • Enable these features by tapping on one or more of the option sliders so that they display as blue.

Simultaneous Ring

Add up to ten additional numbers or Session Initiation Protocol Uniform Resource Identifier (SIP URI) addresses that you would like to ring in addition to your primary number when you receive a call. Enable this feature by tapping the “Ring Numbers” slider so that it displays as blue. Enter a phone number to receive simultaneous ringing and accept the notification that pops up on the newly added device.

  • To disable simultaneous calling while on a call, tap on the “Do Not Ring When On a Call” slider so that it displays as blue.

Sequential Ring

Sequential Ring is a user level feature that allows a user to create a list of up to 5 additional numbers (six total) to ring in a specific order when they receive an incoming call. Enable this feature by selecting the “When to Ring” categories and entering a phone number into “Ring Numbers”.

Remote Office

This service allows the use of any phone as an office phone from a charging and numbering perspective.  For instance, a hotel room phone can be used as the office phone.

  • Enable Remote Office by tapping the slider so that it displays as blue. Enter a phone number to be used as the Remote Office number.

Call Waiting

You can only have one active call at any given time. If you receive a new incoming call and accept it, the existing call is put on hold and you can change between these two calls by using the Hold and Unhold buttons from the in-call screen.

  • Enable this feature by tapping the slider so that it displays as blue.
Outgoing Call Settings

Outgoing Call settings allows the user to change (See Figure 1):

Block My Caller ID

You can hide or display your number when calling or communicating with other parties or contacts.  

  • Enable this feature by tapping the slider so that it displays as blue.

Automatic Callback

This feature sends you a notification when a caller has been placed on hold for a set amount of time.

  • Enable this feature by tapping the slider so that it displays as blue.
Voice Mail Settings

The Voice Mail settings allows the user to change (See Figure 1):

Voice Mail Service

  • To enable your visual voice mail, tap the slider so that it displays as blue.

Send Calls to Voice Mail

  • Select all that apply: Always, When Busy, or When No Answer.
  • Select the number of rings.

When a Message Arrives

Unified messaging allows users to receive message notifications on all devices with UC1 connect installed when a message is received.

  • Enable this feature by tapping the Message Waiting Indicator under “Use Unified Messaging”.

Email Notification

This feature allows users to receive an email when they have a new voice mail.

  • Enable this feature by tapping the slider so that it displays as blue. Enter a valid email address to receive notifications.

Email Carbon Copy

This feature allows users to receive an emailed copy of their voice mails.

  • Enable this feature by tapping the slider so that it displays as blue. Enter a valid address to receive voice mail carbon copies.

Press ‘0’ to Transfer

  • This feature allows a user to transfer callers to a specific DID when dialing ‘0’ on the dialpad while in a call.
  • Enable to this feature by tapping the slider so that it displays as blue.
Calling Settings

The Calling Settings allows users to choose how UC1 makes calls. Users can choose to use their personal cellular service or to use VoIP as the their preferred calling service.

VoIP Enabled:

  • Enables making and receiving VoIP audio and video calls
  • Outgoing and incoming calls use VoIP over WiFi or data network.
  • BroadWorks Anywhere or Mobility location for the device is disabled.

VoIP Disabled:

  • BroadWorks Anywhere or Mobility location for the device is enabled. Outgoing calls are performed with:
    • Call Through: With Call Through enabled, you place the call through to your system which connects you directly to the destination using your business line identity.
    • Call Back: With call back enabled you must first dial the number you are calling as normal. Instead of giving you a ringing tone and connecting you straight away, your phone hangs up and calls you back. When you answer, you’ll hear the ringing tone just as if you’d made a regular call, and as soon as it is answered by the party you are trying to reach, your call can continue as normal. The call will again be identified with your business line identity.
    • iPhone/This Phone: With iPhone or This Phone enabled, you place a call through UC1 and use your device’s phone connection and phone number to place a call.

BroadWorks Anywhere

  • BroadWorks Anywhere allows users selected phones as an extension of their business phone number and dial plan. For example, callers can dial one number and can reach you on any phone the user chooses. A desk phone, cell phone, and/or a soft phone may ring simultaneously when this is enabled.

Enable this feature by entering phone numbers to ring when you receive a call. Tap the slider on “Alert All Locations” or for the specific phone numbers that you would like to be contacted at.


Within the Settings menu of UC1 Connect, users can choose whether they want send analytics to BluIP. If you choose to not send analytics, you can enable this feature at a later time (and vice-versa) by returning to the Troubleshooting Window under settings.


  • Detailed Logging
    • Tap the slider so that it displays as green to enable.
  • Email Logs to Support

Send Analytics

  • Tap the slider so that it displays as green to enable.

Allow 3rd party keyboard

  • This enables the user to use any supported 3rd party keyboard while using UC1 Connect. Tap the slider so that it displays as green to enable.
Sign Out

Sign Out

To sign out:

  1. Tap on the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Tap Sign Out. You will immediately be signed out of UC1 Connect.
Calling and Messaging
Establishing a Call

Audio and Video Calling

Make an audio or video call using one of the following methods:

To perform an audio or video call from the directory search find the contact you wish to audio or video call.

  1. From the Directory, select and tap on a contact to open their contact card.
  2. From the contact card, navigate to the contact number that you wish to audio/video call.
  3. Tap the handset icon for an audio call or the video icon  to perform a video call.


  1. Tap on “Call” and select Voice Call or Video Call.

To perform an audio or video call from the dial pad:

  1. Open the dial pad.
  2. Enter a phone number.
  3. Tap the Call icon (indicated by a handset) or Video icon (indicated by a camera). See Item 1.

To perform an audio or video call from the Call History list:

  1. Tap on a call entry.
  2. Tap the handset icon for an audio call or the video icon to perform a video call. See Item 1.


  1. Tap on “Call” and select Voice Call or Video Call. See Item 2.

To perform an audio call from the Chat screen:

  1. Establish a one-to-one chat.
  2. From the Chat screen, tap the handset icon to perform a voice-only call.  

If the recipient of the call declines video communication, the call will be downgraded into a voice-only call.

Answer Call

An incoming call is indicated by a ring tone.  There are two options on the incoming call screen:  

  • Answer
  • Decline
    • If you decline the call, the call will be sent to your voice mail.
In-Call Actions

You can perform the following actions from the In-Call screen:

End a Call

  • Tap on the red handset icon. This will terminate your call.

Mute your Microphone

  • Tap the Mute button to mute your microphone. See Item 1.

Place a Call on Hold

  • Tap the Hold button to place the caller on hold. Tap the button again to return to the call. See Item 2.

Open the Keypad

  • Tap the Keypad button to open the Dialpad. Close the Dialpad by tapping “Hide”.

Add more Participants to a Call

  • Tap the three ellipses dots. Tap conference. Select the contact you would like to conference. When the recipient answers the call, they will immediately be added to the conference call. See Item 3.

Transfer a Call

  • Tap on the three ellipses dots. Tap transfer.
    • To Guided Transfer: Select the contact you would like to transfer to. Select the phone number you would like to use. Select video or voice call. Select Call First. This will dial the transferee. When you are ready, tap Complete to transfer the caller to the transferee.
    • To Blind Transfer: Select the contact you would like to transfer to. Select the phone number you would like to use. Select video or voice call. Select Transfer to Contact Name. This will immediately transfer the primary caller to the transferee.

View Participants

  • Participants are listed on the In-Call Screen
Other Call Actions

Missed Calls and New Messages

Notifications (for example, missed calls or new messages) are shown as badges on the tab icons.

Pull Call

Call Pull can be used in scenarios where a user has two endpoints. For example, a VoIP desk phone and a mobile phone with Connect.  If the user has an active call on the desk phone, this call can be transferred seamlessly to the mobile phone using the Call Pull button.  

To Pull a Parked Call:

  1. Park a call.
  2. On your mobile device, tap on the menu icon. Tap Pull Call. Dial the extension where the call is parked. You will be immediately connected to the call.

My Room

My Room is an always available and permanent room that you can use to chat with anyone that joins. My Room is accessible from the main menu tab labeled Join Room. Participants can join your room via your contact card. Once people join the chat room, they can tap the Call button of that screen to automatically join the conference.

Others join your room by tapping your name on their Contacts list and selecting Join Room from the contact card.

To leave the room, tap on the 3 dotted ellipsis and select Leave Room.

Other features accessible from another’s “My Room” are:

  • View Participants
  • View Profile
  • Call Contact
  • Chat with Contact


The Messaging screen will always be your landing page when you sign into UC1. From this screen you may access your conversation history as well as initiate new conversations.

To initiate chat with a contact:

  1. Tap on the Pencil icon to bring up the “New Chat” screen. See Item 1.
  2. In the “To:” section, begin typing the name of the contact you wish to send a message to.
  3. Tap on the name of the correct contact you wish to send a message to.
  4. Type a message in the “Type your message” section.
  5. Tap “Send” to send your message and initiate a chat with selected contact(s).

The contact’s name and status will appear at the top of the chat screen. In the top right corner of your screen next to the name and status of the contact you are chatting with, you will see a handset icon and 3 ellipses dots. Tapping on the phone icon will immediately voice call the contact.  See Item 2.

Group Messaging

Group Messaging

Initiating Group Messaging is similar to one-to-one messaging.

To initiate a group chat:

  1. Tap on the “Pencil” icon to bring up the “New Chat” screen.
  2. In the “To:” section begin typing the name of the contact you wish to send a message too,
  3. Tap on the name of the correct contact you wish to send message too.
  4. To add more contacts to the group message, repeat step 2 and 3 until all contacts are added to the group message window.
  5. Type message in the “Type your message” section.
  6. Tap “Send” to send message initiate the chat with selected contacts.

Receiving SMS from UC1

There are no special requirements for receiving a text into UC1 from any mobile device.  Once the UC1 registered phone number has enabled SMS, any SMS enabled device (smartphone, tablet or PC) can send an SMS message into UC1. See Figures 1 and 2.

  • From any SMS enabled device, use the built-in texting app as usual and create a new message.
    • The example shown on Figure 2 is from an iPhone.
  • In the “To:” field, enter the UC1 registered phone number.
  • In the “Text Message” field, type in your text message.
  • Press the Send key.
  • Your SMS message will be received into the UC1 application.

The SMS Texting package has been uploaded into Logisense and is available for purchase. See Figure 1.


The SMS Texting service has already been populated into Broadsoft and can now be assigned as a service to a user. See Figure 2.

Help & About

For more information or support:

  1. Tap on the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Tap Help. This will bring you to the BluIP support portal.

To access the About section:

  1. Tap on the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Tap About. This will bring you to the About Connect Info, License, and Legal Notices page. See Figure 1.
Known Issues

The SMS capability for UC1 currently only supports texting and does not support MMS.  MMS is Multimedia Messaging Service and allows for the sending of other media on top of text such as pictures, audio and video files.

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