UC1 Communicator Mobile User Guide

UC1 Communicator is a messaging-centered client available for both Android and iOS mobile phone platforms. UC1 Communicator integrates within your business to simplify operations: initiate audio and video calls, share files, meet, and check presence statuses within a single application. With UC1 Communicator, your office moves with you- wherever you go.


UC1 Communicator for iPhone

This section contains the essential information for getting started with Communicator.

The iPhone client can be downloaded from the Apple App Store.

Sign In

When you first launch the application, you are prompted to sign in.

  1. If displayed, enter the device configuration address (Uniform Resource Identifier [URI]) provided by your BluIP Representative.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Select whether you would like Communicator to remember your password.
  4. Select whether you would like Communicator to sign you in automatically on subsequent launches.
  5. Tap Sign in. See Figure 1.

Once you are signed in, the application does not ask again for the username and password until you sign out. The login is preserved even if the application is terminated or the device is restarted.

With basic sign-in, there are three options in the emergency call pop-up:

  • Update location: Opens a web browser where you can set the location. When the location is set, you can return to the client to sign in.
  • Ok: Sign-in completes and you can now use the client.
  • Cancel: Sign-in is canceled and you are returned in the Sign In screen.

If you’ve forgotten your password, tap Forgot password. This will bring you to the BluIP password reset portal. Type in your username and the captcha code to reset your password. See Figure 2.

Main Tabs

When you start Communicator for the first time, the Contacts list is empty. Use the search field to find people and add them to your Contacts list. Contacts can also be added manually by tapping the Add button, indicated by the blue plus sign icon in the top right corner. See Item 1.

The main view contains several tabs that present information about the contacts and communications options available as follows (See Figure 2):

  • Contacts
  • Chat
  • Call
  • History
  • My Room

The Communicator default tab is the Contacts tab and in the soft phone view, the default tab is the Directory tab.

Contacts Tab

The Contacts list contains two different types of contacts:

  • Presence-enabled contacts
  • Non-presence-enabled contacts

Any contact can be marked as a favorite and it will appear in the top of the Contacts list in the Favorites section.

The iPhone application shows contact groups created from the Desktop or Tablet devices. The contacts groups cannot be created or edited from the iPhone application.

The Contacts tab contains:

  • Communicator Contacts
    • All
    • Online
  • Contact Directories
    • Local Address Book
    • Directory

Directory provides the company directory contacts. The Local Contact List provides the contacts from the local phone book.

To access Contact Directories:

  1. Tap Communicator at the top of the screen. This will give you the option to display all or online only contacts.
  2. Tap Local Address Book to search through your phone’s local address book.
  3. Tap Directory to search through your enterprise contacts.

Contact Card

The contact card displays information about a contact based on the contact type. This includes Communicator contacts, Local Address Book contacts, and contacts from directory search results.

To initiate a call or chat session directly from the contact card:

  1. Tap the Call button to initiate a call. See Figure 1.
  2. Select video call or voice call. UC1 Communicator will immediately begin dialing.

If the contact has an associated email address, then the application supports sending an email to the contact by launching the native email client on the mobile device.

Adding Contacts

When you sign in for the first time, there are no contacts on your Contacts list.

To add a new contact:

  1. Tap Add Contact from the blue plus icon in the navigation bar. See Items 1 and 2.
  2. Another way to add new contacts is to use the directory search option from the Contacts tab.
  3. Enter the contact’s information and tap Done.

By default, your presence information is always shared with a new contact if an XMPP address is provided.

If you receive a contact request invitation, you can ignore or accept it. If you ignore the contact request, you can always share your presence (availability) information later by selecting Subscribe from the contact card.

The contact must accept your subscription request for you to establish the presence (availability status) relationship successfully.

A conference contact is a special contact used for conference bridges to avoid having to remember a PIN code and a conference number in the example of a recurring conference.

To add a Conference Number:

  1. Tap Add Conference from the same plus icon in the navigation bar. See Items 3 and 4.
  2. You can also add a conference number from a directory search.
  3. Enter the conference’s information and tap Done.

To add a Local Contact:

  1. Tap Add Local Contact from the blue plus icon in the navigation bar. This will allow you to add a contact from your local address book. See Item 5 and 6.
  2. Enter the contact’s information and tap Done.
Editing Contacts

Tap a contact entry from the Contacts list to open a contact card. This is the same for presence-enabled and non-presence-enabled contacts. See Figure 1.

To edit a contact:

  1. Tap Edit to open the contact profile page.
  2. Enter the contact's new information and tap Done. This works for both presence-enabled and non-presence-enabled users. See Item 2.

To unsubscribe from a contact:

  1. Tap Unsubscribe to remove the presence relationship between you and that contact. This means that you do not see that contact's presence information and your contact does not see yours. See Item 3.
  2. Tap Subscribe to re-establish the presence relationship.

To remove a contact:

  1. Tap Remove to delete the contact from your Contacts list. See Item 4.

An unsubscribed contact remains on your Contacts list and is always shown as “offline”.


There are four contact filters available from the Contacts tab:

  • All:  Shows all presence-enabled and non-presence-enabled contacts.
  • Online: Shows only the presence-enabled contacts that are currently online.
  • Local Address Book: Shows the contacts from your local phone book.
  • Directory: Shows the contacts from a company directory (which requires a search).

Sort and Display Order

The sort and display order for contacts is based on phone settings.

For iOS 9 and lower:

Settings - Mail, Contacts, Calendars - Contacts

For iOS 10:

Settings - Contacts

  • Display order: Display First name or Last name first.
  • Sort order:  Sort by First name or Last name.
  • Short name:  Format of the name to be used in chat lists.

Short names are not supported on iOS 8. On iOS 8, the application will always use the full names for display in such lists.

Local contacts are ordered in groups by letter, based on the first letter of their display name. There is no further ordering within the group.

All contacts whose display name starts with non-Latin characters are put in the # group.

The display name of a local contact is taken from first name, middle name, and last name. If names are missing, the display name is taken from the ID field. If all the previous items are missing, then the phone number is used for the display name.



For each contact you have subscribed to, you can see their availability. Similarly, your contacts can see your availability on their Contacts list. Availability means that your contacts can see whether you are available. For example, “I’m available” or “I’m busy”. Refer to Figure 1 for availability icon meanings.

Availability can also be referred to as presence status, which was the term used in previous releases of Communicator. The availability update is only triggered by appointments and meetings that are either accepted by the user or made by them. All-day meetings do not trigger an availability change to Busy - In Meeting.

To manually set your availability:

  1. Tap the availability icon on the top left corner of the status bar in all tab view and then tap your contact ID. This will open the My Status screen where you can change your avatar, personal message, and availability status. See Items 2, 3, and 4.
  2. Select your availability and tap done.

While Push Notifications are enabled, the application does not maintain persistent connection to the server. If you manually change your availability status, it will remain while the application is in the foreground. If the application is moved to the background, the availability status will read “Available on Mobile”.


Your avatar is the picture that represents you in your friends’ Contacts lists and in chat screens.

To change/clear your avatar:

  1. Tap the availability icon on the top left corner of the status bar in all tab view and then tap your contact ID. See Item 5.
  2. From the My Status screen tap your avatar. See Item 6.
  3. Select whether to use a photo from the camera, an existing photo, or clear your profile photo. See Item 7.
  4. The photo will immediately be changed.

You can enter a status message in the area next to the avatar. This status text is shown in your friends’ Contacts lists.

To enter a status message:

  1. Tap the availability icon on the top left corner of the status bar in all tab view and then tap your contact ID. See Item 8.
  2. From the My Status screen tap “What’s on your mind?”. See Item 9.
  3. Type in your message and tap Done.

The status text is a public message that is attached to your profile; it will be visible by anyone who adds you as a contact.

Instant Messaging

Chat shows the list of recent chats since the last login. If User A chats with User B multiple times, their discussions appear as one item in the list. Tapping the name opens the chat view (IM view) where new messages can be typed. Old messages are also shown. New messages are indicated by a notification badge to the right of the name. The icon remains next to the name until the message is read. Chats are listed so that the newest ones are always at the top. Chats are not in alphabetical order; they are listed with the most recent first.

Establishing a Chat

To start a new chat from the Contacts list:

  1. From the Contacts list, tap a contact to open their contact card.
  2. Tap the chat bubble icon on the left to start chatting with that contact. See Item 1.

To start a new chat from the Chat history:

  1. Tap a chat history entry to start chatting. See Item 2.

Chatting is only possible when both participants are online. Messages sent to an offline contact will be received the moment they log in to UC1 Communicator.

Group Chats

To start a new group chat from the chat tab:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the top right corner of the Chat tab. See Item 3.
  2. Tap Start group chat. See Item 4.
  3. Select or search for members you would like to chat with and tap Done. See Item 5.
  4. The group will be created and added members will be notified that they have been added to a group chat.

To start a new group chat from a single chat session:

  1. Tap the add participant icon indicated by the blue person with a plus sign from a one-on-one chat room. See Item 6.
  2. Select or search for members you would like to chat with and tap Done.
  3. Invited members will receive an invitation to join the group chat.

To add members to a group chat:

  1. Tap the add participant icon indicated by the blue person with a plus sign while in a group chat screen. OR Tap the add participant icon while in a one-on-one chat.
  2. Select or search for members you would like to chat with and tap Done.
  3. Invited members will receive an invitation to join the group chat

Offline contacts cannot be invited to a group chat. Members who have been added to a group chat will be given the option to “Ignore” or “Accept” the group chat. If a member chooses to ignore the request, they will not receive chat notifications.

To insert an emoji in a chat:

  1. Tap the smiley-face icon in the text-input bar.
  2. Tap an emoji and tap Send to send the emoji. The text input field in Chat uses auto-correct, auto-cap, and spell check based on your phone’s system settings. Use your phone’s system settings to enable or disable these features.

To clear chat history:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the top right corner of any chat that you are a member of. See Item 7.
  2. Tap Clear History. See Item 8.
  3. Tap OK to delete chat history OR tap cancel to cancel the request.

Deleting a chat room is not supported.

Audio and Video Calls
Dial Pad Tab

The Dial Pad tab displays a Dial Pad and a text field used to enter numbers.  The Dial Pad is one of the options used to make audio or video calls.  See Figure 1.

There are three buttons below the Dial Pad:  Call, Video call, and Dial Pad menu that are configurable by the service provider.  The top text field also has a delete button that, when pressed, deletes one character at a time. A badge notification appears on the Dial Pad box.  A long press on the “1” digit connects you to the voice mail box.  When there is no voice mail in your voice mail box, no notification badge is shown.

The Dial Pad menu has three options:  VoIP Mode, Pull Call, and Retrieve Call.

VoIP Calling Mode

Communicator Mobile supports an option that allows you to switch easily between VoIP and Mobile Calling Modes.

  • VoIP calls use WiFi or the carrier data network.
  • Mobile calls use the carrier circuit-switched network.

You can switch between VoIP and Mobile through the Dial Pad Menu. See Figure 1.

VoIP Mode On:

  • Outgoing and incoming calls use VoIP over WiFi or data network.

VoIP Mode Off:

  • Outgoing and incoming calls use the mobile circuit-switched network.
  • Outgoing calls are performed with Call-Through or Call Back.

VoIP calls over the carrier data network are dependent on the quality of the network and may incur additional charges. As such, there are options for an operator or end user to disable VoIP calls over the carrier network (3G, 4G, or LTE) if needed.

To adjust VoIP settings:

  1. Tap the availability icon on the top left corner from the status bar.
  2. Tap Call Settings.
  3. Tap Dialing Service and select your dialing service preferences. See Figure 2. Tap the blue left arrow in the top left corner to return to Call Settings.
  4. Tap Done to save your changes.

WiFi Only:

  • VoIP calls are only allowed through WiFi.

All Networks:

  • VoIP calls are allowed on any data network.
Make Audio or Video Calls

There are multiple ways to make audio or video calls using UC1 Communicator. Choose one of the following methods to initiate a call:

  1. Select a contact from the Contact list and tap the handset icon for an audio call or the video icon for a video call. See Figure 1.
  1. From search results, tap an entry and tap on the voice call for an audio call or the video call to perform a video call. See Items 2 and 3
  1. Open the Dial Pad, enter a phone number, and tap the Call or Video button.
  2. On the Call History list, tap a call entry.
  3. On the Chat screen, tap the handset icon for an audio call or the video icon for a video call. See Items 4 and 5.
Answer Calls

An incoming call is indicated by a ringtone.  There are two options on the incoming call screen:  Answer and Decline.  If you decline the call, it causes the line to sound busy at the caller’s end and they know that you rejected the call.

If you are in the middle of a VoIP call and receive an incoming cellular call, the VoIP call is put on hold right away before answering/declining it.

If the iOS device (iPhone or iPad) is locked and there is an incoming VoIP call, a notification is displayed to you on the locked screen, accompanied with an alerting sound and vibration.

If the device is in silent mode, the Communicator notification is accompanied by multiple vibrations.  Vibrations are played until the call is answered locally, answered on another location, or redirected to voice mail or another number, or after a predefined timeout.

The incoming call ring volume when the application is in background is controlled by the phone Ringer volume system settings.

Answer Incoming VoIP Call on Locked Screen

When an incoming VoIP call is received and the device is locked, iOS shows the native incoming call screen with the caller ID, avatar. See Figure 1.

To accept/decline the call:

  1. Tap the green handset icon. This will immediately connect you to the caller.
  2. Tap the red handset icon. This will decline the call and send the caller to voicemail.

Incoming calls are always accepted as audio. You will have the option to add video from the In Call screen. If the application was running in the background, accepting the call with video will bring the application to the foreground.

Receiving a Call that is Waiting

When an incoming native circuit-switched (CS) call is received during an ongoing VoIP call, you are notified by the iOS native incoming call screen. You have the option to hold the current call and answer, or end the current call and answer or decline the new call to voicemail.

Once a call is accepted, the previous call is put on hold.

To switch between calls:

  1. Tap the Swap button to switch between calls. Swapping calls will automatically switch the previous call to hold. See Item 2.

To merge the calls into a conference call:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the lower right corner of the screen. See Item 3.
  2. Tap Merge to turn the call into a conference call. See Item 4.

Integrating Native Contacts and Call History

VoIP calls made with Communicator are shown in the native Call History (“Recent”). Selecting a call entry in the Call History initiates the call with Communicator.

Communicator calls can also be initiated directly from the contact profile of an Address Book entry.

To call directly from the native Address Book:

  1. Tap a contact from your native Address Book.
  2. Long press on the call icon to bring up a list of calling methods. See Figure 5.
  3. Select UC1 Communicator to initiate a call through communicator.

If the last call to a contact has been handled by Communicator, the call button in the profile changes to “Communicator”.

In-Call Actions

You can perform the following actions from the In-Call Screen:

  • End a call
  • Mute the microphone
  • Enable/Disable speaker*
  • Open the key pad
  • Adjust the volume
  • Add or remove video from an audio call
  • Place a call on hold
  • Make a new call
  • Transfer a call (Attended)
  • Transfer a call (Unattended)
  • Make a conference
  • Park a call
  • Transfer a call to circuit-switched call
  • Add more participants (in conference call only)
  • Merge two separate calls
  • Swap two separate calls
  • View participants (on a conference call

During a video call, the audio output is automatically switched to speaker-only mode.

Contact Name Lookup for Incoming Calls

When receiving a call, Communicator searches through your contact directory to determine the name of the contact. If the incoming number matches a contact from your directory, the name is shown on the incoming call screen, regardless of whether they have been added into your Contacts list.

Conference Calling

There are two ways to initiate a conference call in UC1 Communicator. Select one of the following methods:

To conference call from a two-way audio or video call:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the bottom right corner of the screen. See Item 1.
  2. Tap Conference. See Item 2.
  3. Search or select the contact you would like to conference into the call and tap Done.
  4. Once the contact accepts the call, the call will immediately be merged into a conference call.

To add participants to an existing Conference call:

  1. Tap Add Participant from the In Call screen. See Item 3.
  2. Search or select the contact you would like to conference into the call and tap Done.
  3. Once the contact accepts the call, they will be immediately connected to the conference call.

New Call

UC1 Communicator supports starting a new call while in an ongoing call.

To initiate a call while in a two-way call:

  1. Tap the New Call button from the In Call screen. See Item 4.
  2. Select or search for the contact you would like to call, and then tap Done.
  3. Communicator will begin dialing and your primary caller will be placed on hold.
Call Transfer & Call Pull

UC1 Communicator supports transferring VoIP calls to another party. Two modes of transfer are supported:

Attended Transfer

After establishing a two-way call:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots from the In Call Screen. See Item 1.
  2. Tap Transfer. See Item 2.
  3. Select or search for the contact you would like to call, and then select the number to call.
  4. Tap Call First to begin dialing the new contact and your primary caller will be placed on hold. See Item 3.
  5. If the call is successfully established, you can talk with the third party privately before completing the transfer by tapping the Complete button.

Unattended Transfer

After establishing a two-way call:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots from the In Call Screen. See Item 1.
  2. Tap Transfer. See Item 2.
  3. Select or search for the contact you would like to call, and then select the number to call.
  4. Tap Transfer to “Contact Name” to directly transfer the primary caller to the new contact. See Item 4.

Call Pull

Call Pull can be used in scenarios where a user has two endpoints; for example, a VoIP desk phone and a mobile phone with Communicator. If the user has an active call on the desk phone, this call can be transferred to the mobile phone using the Call Pull button. Depending on the application, dialing settings, and service configuration, the call can be pulled as a VoIP or circuit-switched call to the mobile phone. There is no interruption to the voice call.

To pull a call that is active on your desk phone:

  1. Tap on the call tab.
  2. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the bottom right corner and tap Pull Call. See Item 5.
  3. The call will be transferred to your mobile device.

To retrieve a parked call:

  1. Tap on the call tab.
  2. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the bottom right corner and tap Retrieve Call. See Item 6.
  3. You will be prompted to dial the number at which the call is parked at. Dial the number and you will be connected to the parked call.

Call Pull is not possible when there is an ongoing circuit-switched call on the iPhone. Call Pull requires initiating a VoIP call and iOS initiating a VoIP call during a Swipe Call Park.

The Call Park service allows a “parking” user to park a call against an extension. The “parked” user is placed on hold until a user retrieves the parked call. If the call is not retrieved within the provisioned recall time, then the parked call is reverted and presented to the “recall” user.

Swipe Between Chat and Audio/Video Communication Views

UC1 Communicator provides the ability for users to switch between Chat and Audio/Video communication sessions with My Room, other users’ My Room, and two-way chat. When it is possible to switch between sessions, two dots will appear at the bottom of the screen. Swipe to switch between sessions. See Figure 7.

Seamless Call Handover for VoIP Calls

UC1 Communicator for iPhone supports seamless call handover for VoIP calls between WiFi and cellular data networks.

If data connection drops during an ongoing VoIP call, the application will try to use another data connection if available. Otherwise, it will wait for a fixed period of time for the data connection to be re-established. At that point, the call is retired on the new or re-established connection.

During the transition, there is a beeping sound played to the user and an indication in the user interface that the application is trying to reconnect the call.

If a user has multiple ongoing calls, only the active calls are retrieved after restoring the data connection and the other calls are terminated. In this case, the user will be notified about the terminated calls.

A typical use case is when a call is started on a WiFi network in the office and the user leaves the office while on the call.  In this case, the call is transferred to the 4G/LTE data network, if one is available.

Another use case is when the device loses data coverage for a brief period of time while the user is on a VoIP call (for example, the user enters an elevator).  In this case, the call is recovered when the data connection is re-established, provided it is within the configurable period of time, which is typically one minute.

My Room

My Room is an always available and permanent room you can use to chat with anyone that joins.

To access My Room:

  1. Tap the My Room tab on the lower right corner of the screen, indicated by a person inside a house. This will bring you to the My Room information page where you can view your Dial-in Number, Conference ID, Moderator PIN, and Security Pin. See Items 1 and 2.

To initiate a chat from My Room:

  1. Open the My Room tab and tap Chat on the upper left corner of the screen. See Item 3.
  2. Tap the add participant icon on the top status bar indicated by the blue person with a plus sign. Select or search for participants and tap Done.
  3. The participants will be added to your room and you will be able to communicate via group message.

To join a contact’s Room:

  1. Select a contact from your Contacts List and tap  Join Room indicated by the blue arrow entering a room. See Items 4 and 5.

From this page you can chat with all members who are added to the contact’s room. From a contact’s room you also have the option to call the room and initiate a conference call.

Call History & Voicemail

UC1 Communicator supports basic and enhanced Call History.

Communicator can show information about Hunt Groups and call duration, which is only available as part of enhanced call logs. From the status bar, the Call History can be set to show all or missed calls. On the list of calls, there are icons that indicate whether a call was incoming, outgoing, or missed.

Types of Calls

Outgoing- Indicated by a black arrow pointing to the right. See Item 1.

Incoming- Indicated by a black arrow pointing to the left. See Item 2.

Missed- Indicated by a black arrow pointing to the left and a red contact entry. See Item 3.

In addition to the type of call, the Call History displays the name and number of the contact as well as the date/time the call was made.

To view call details:

  1. From the Call History page, tap the information icon on the left of the call log, indicated by a blue “i” within a circle. See Item 4.

From the Call Details page, the user can also view the type of call as well as the contact information of the caller.

To call back a caller:

  1. Tap the call log entry and select to call back as a video or voice-only call. See Item 5.
  2. UC1  Communicator will immediately begin dialing the caller.

Missed Calls

Notifications (for example, missed calls or new messages) are shown as badges on the tab icons.

Missed calls are displayed as a red entry on the History tab. You can also toggle between viewing “All Calls” and “Missed Calls” in the History tab to view specific calls that have been missed.

To view Missed Calls:

  1. Tap on the History tab.
  2. Tap on the Missed button at the top of the screen. This will display all calls that have been missed. See Figure 6.


If you have pending voicemail (VM) messages, a badge is displayed on the Call tab icon with the number of pending VM messages. The voicemail is accessible with a long press of the Dial Pad digit “1”. New voicemail messages are displayed when a caller leaves a voicemail on the server.

Visual functions for voicemail are not available.

Settings and Preferences

The side navigation contains the following items:

  • My status
  • Call Settings
  • Preferences
  • About
  • Help
  • Sign Out
Call Settings

UC1 Communicator supports the following service management features that can be turned on or off:

Call Options:

  • VoIP Call
  • Block My Caller ID
  • Dialing Service
  • iPhone Number

Call Forwarding

  • When Not Reachable
  • When Busy
  • Always
  • When No Answer
  • Do Not Disturb

Incoming Calls

  • Call Waiting
  • Simultaneous Ring
  • Remote Office
  • Anywhere
  • Mobility
Call Forwarding

To forward a call:

1. Tap Call Settings from the side navigation menu.

  • From this menu, select to forward from the following options: When Not Reachable, When Busy, Always, and/or When No Answer. See Item 1.
  • Tap the Active slider to enable call forwarding as “active”. See Item 2.
  • Enter the DID for calls to be forwarded to and tap Save. See Item 3.
  • This will save your settings and Call Forwarding will be listed as “On” from the Call Settings screen.
Do Not Disturb

When you activate this service, all calls are blocked by the server and sent to voicemail.

To enable Do Not Disturb (DND):

  1. Tap Call Settings from the side navigation menu.
  2. Scroll and tap Do Not Disturb.
  3. Tap the Active slider button to enable Do Not Disturb and tap Save. All incoming calls will be sent to voicemail. See Item 1.

To enable Ring Splash:

  1. Tap Call Settings from the side navigation menu.
  2. Scroll and tap Do Not Disturb. See Item 1.
  3. Tap the Active slider button to enable Ring Splash and tap Save. This will enable Ring Splash while Do Not Disturb is enabled.
Broadworks Anywhere, BroadWorks Mobility, Remote Office

BroadWorks Anywhere

BroadWorks Anywhere allows service providers to offer fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) services without additional equipment. See Figure 1.

BroadWorks Anywhere simplifies communications for on-the-go users and remote users by extending the features of a desk phone to any other fixed or mobile device, regardless of the network or handset manufacturer.  Callers dial one number and can reach you on any phone the user chooses.  A desk phone, cell phone, and/or a soft phone can ring simultaneously.

Voice call continuity is possible with the ability to move live calls from one device to another without hanging up.

Add locations (numbers) that can be used in the service using the Add New Location button.  Use the Alert all locations to activate parallel ringing.

Remote Office

This service allows the use of any phone as the office phone from a charging and numbering perspective. For instance, a hotel room phone can be used as the office phone.

Enable Remote Office and specify a phone number to be used as the Remote Office Number. See Item 2.

BroadWorks Mobility

BroadWorks Mobility is a flexible solution that extends the BroadWorks Centrex features transparently to the mobile network.  This service provides a set of mobile capabilities that help meet the key requirements of mobile operators for deployment of business services to the mobile handsets. See Figure 3.

The following attributes can be set:

  • Active- Flag to enable or disable the BroadWorks Mobility service from the user.
  • Mobile Number- This is the subscriber’s mobile number in E. 164 format.
  • Phones to Ring- The default is “Fixed”. The options are as follows:
    • Fixed- If set, then only the user’s desk phone is alerted.
    • Mobile- If set, then only the user’s mobile phone is alerted.
    • Both- If set, then both the mobile phone as well as desk phone of the user are alerted.

The following attributes apply when the alerting mobile is set:

  • Alert for Click-To-Dial- If checked, Click-To-Dial calls alert the mobile phone.
  • Alert for Group Paging- If checked, group paging calls alert the mobile phone.
  • Prevent Diverting- This attribute determines whether the Application Server enables a diversion inhibitor when extending a call leg to the mobile phone.
  • Answer Confirmation- This attribute determines whether the Application Server prompts for an answer confirmation when the user answers the mobile call leg.
  • Call Control- This attribute determines whether call control is to be performed by the mobile device (off) or by BroadWorks (on). This must be turned on to provide mid-call service features to the mobile originated or terminated calls.

The client supports the following preferences:

  • Language
  • Remember Password
  • Troubleshooting
  • Caller ID Lookup
Language Support

The client is prepared for localization and can be delivered in any language. Currently, the client is available in the following languages:

  • US English
  • French
  • French (Canadian)
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish (European)
  • Spanish (Latin America)
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Chinese

UC1 Communicator will automatically detect the device language to determine the application’s default language.


The troubleshooting function can be used if there are issues encountered with the application. IT collects and sends diagnostic information to a predefined support email address. This helps support personnel to identify the issues. The information sent consists of the application and media engine diagnostic logs. See Figure 1.

Troubleshooting is managed by a menu entry in Settings. It can be accessed from two places in the client:

  • From the Settings button on the Sign In screen. This opens the screen that contains the help and troubleshooting-related entries. This can be used before the user has signed in, which is most often for cases when a user has issues with signing in or with connectivity.
  • From the Preferences screen accessible from the Side navigation. This is available while the user is logged in.

Troubleshooting options:

Console logging: Option for getting logs in a development environment. The device should be connected to a PC/MAC and the logs to appear real-time in the console.

File Logging: Saves logs to the device memory for subsequent sending by email.

XMPP Logging: Includes IM&P related information (XMPP stanzas) in the logs.

Other logging: Includes additional logs different from XMPP.

PN logging: Includes Push Notification-related information (only when Push Notifications are enabled).

Crash reporting: Sends crash logs to crash report.

Display Diagnostic Info in Calls: Displays information about ongoing calls like the codec type.

Caller ID Lookup

Caller ID Lookup

When there is an incoming call, Communicator matches it by searching in the Contact List, local Address Book, and BroadWorks directory. To improve the performance, Communicator for iPhone provides the ability to turn on/off searching in the local Address Book. See Item 1.

To enable or disable Caller ID Lookup:

  1. Tap Preferences from the side navigation menu.
  2. Tap the Caller ID Lookup slider to turn lookup on or off.
  3. Tap Done to save your changes.
Communicator and iPhone Settings

From iPhone Settings - Communicator, the user can allow Communicator to access:

  • Contacts
  • Microphone
  • Camera
  • Notifications
  • Cellular Data

It is recommended that Communicator have access to all resources in the previous list.

In addition, the user can configure the type of notifications they want to get with Communicator:

  • Allow Notifications
  • Show in Notification Center
  • Sounds
  • Badge App Icon
  • Show on Lock Screen

It is recommended for all items in the previous list to be enabled.

In addition, it is recommended to configure the option “Alert style when unlocked” to “Alerts”.

Push Notifications

Incoming Calls

Communicator now supports Push Notifications for Incoming Calls.

On iOS, when the application is in the background, the call is presented to the user with an iOS-specific local notification (alert or banner). When the client is in the foreground, the call is presented with an application-specific Incoming Call screen with Answer and Decline buttons.

Push Notifications are also available for new voice mails.

Push Notifications for Chat Messages

Communicator supports Push Notifications for Chat Messages.

The application will use Push Notifications to get alert end users of incoming messages and chat invitations.

The following functions are supported with Push Notifications:

  • Receiving one-on-one messages.
  • Receiving My Room and Chat invitations.
  • Receiving requests for approving guest invitations.

Push Notifications for incoming calls and one-on-one messages are received even if the client application is not running, provided that the user has signed in and registered for Push Notifications before the application is terminated.

Message History and Message Read Status Synchronization

Communicator introduces support for synchronizing message history and message read status on all devices where the application is running.

Message history is retrieved and synched on all devices. This includes: all received and sent messages, even if a device is offline when a message is received or sent.

Messages read status is also synched when a message is read on another device.

Received messages are immediately available on all applications that are logged in and active.


The About screen includes three sub views:

  1. Info: the Info view contains short info text, version, copyright, website URL, app ID, and build version.
  2. License: the License view contains the End User License Agreement.
  3. Legal Notices: the Legal Notices view contains third parties used by the application.

Help Page

UC1 provides web-based help that can be launched from the Side Menu navigation page.

Sign Out

You can sign out at the bottom of the left-side navigation drawer.

To sign out of UC1 Communicator:

  1. Tap the availability icon to open the Side Menu navigation page.
  2. Tap Sign Out on the bottom left corner of the application. This will immediately sign you out of UC1 Communicator.

UC1 Communicator for Android

This section contains the essential information for getting started with Communicator.


The Anroid client can be downloaded from the Play Store.

Sign In

When you first launch the application, you are prompted to sign in.

  1. If displayed, enter the device configuration address (Uniform Resource Identifier [URI]) provided by your BluIP Representative.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Select whether you would like Communicator to remember your password.
  4. Select whether you would like Communicator to sign you in automatically on subsequent launches.
  5. Tap Sign in. See Figure 1.

Once you are signed in, the application does not ask again for the username and password until you sign out. The login is preserved even if the application is terminated or the device is restarted.

With basic sign-in, there are three options in the emergency call pop-up:

  • Update location: Opens a web browser where you can set the location. When the location is set, you can return to the client to sign in.
  • Ok: Sign-in completes and you can now use the client.
  • Cancel: Sign-in is canceled and you are returned in the Sign In screen.

If you’ve forgotten your password, tap Forgot password. This will bring you to the BluIP password reset portal. Type in your username and the captcha code to reset your password. See Figure 2.

Main Tabs

When you start Communicator for the first time, the Contacts list is empty. Use the search field to find people and add them to your Contacts list. Contacts can also be added manually by tapping the Add button, indicated by the blue plus sign icon in the top right corner. See Item 1.

The main view contains several tabs that present information about the contacts and communications options available as follows (See Figure 2):

  • Contacts
  • Chat
  • Call
  • History
  • My Room

The Communicator default tab is the Contacts tab and in the soft phone view, the default tab is the Directory tab.

Contacts Tab

The Contacts list contains two different types of contacts:

  • Presence-enabled contacts
  • Non-presence-enabled contacts

Any contact can be marked as a favorite and it will appear in the top of the Contacts list in the Favorites section.

The Android application shows contact groups created from the Desktop or Tablet devices. The contacts groups cannot be created or edited from the Android application.

The Contacts tab contains:

  • Communicator Contacts
    • All
    • Online
  • Contact Directories
    • Local Address Book
    • Directory

Directory provides the company directory contacts. The Local Contact List provides the contacts from the local phone book.

To access Contact Directories:

  1. Tap Communicator at the top of the screen. This will give you the option to display all or online only contacts.
  2. Tap Phone Contacts to search through your phone’s local address book.
  3. Tap Directory to search through your enterprise contacts.

Contact Card

The contact card displays information about a contact based on the contact type. This includes Communicator contacts, Local Address Book contacts, and contacts from directory search results.

To initiate a call or chat session directly from the contact card:

  1. Tap the Call button to initiate a call. See Figure 1.
  2. UC1 Communicator will immediately begin dialing as an audio-only call; however, video communication can be added from the In Call screen.

If the contact has an associated email address, then the application supports sending an email to the contact by launching the native email client on the mobile device.

Adding Contacts

When you sign in for the first time, there are no contacts on your Contacts list.

To add a new contact:

  1. Tap Add Contact from the blue plus icon in the navigation bar. See Items 1 and 2.
  2. Another way to add new contacts is to use the directory search option from the Contacts tab.
  3. Enter the contact’s information and tap OK.

By default, your presence information is always shared with a new contact if an XMPP address is provided.

If you receive a contact request invitation, you can ignore or accept it. If you ignore the contact request, you can always share your presence (availability) information later by selecting Subscribe from the contact card.

The contact must accept your subscription request for you to establish the presence (availability status) relationship successfully.

A conference contact is a special contact used for conference bridges to avoid having to remember a PIN code and a conference number in the example of a recurring conference.

To add a Conference Number:

  1. Tap Add Conference from the same plus icon in the navigation bar. See Items 3 and 4.
  2. You can also add a conference number from a directory search.
  3. Enter the conference’s information and tap OK.

To add a Local Contact:

  1. Tap Add Phone Contact from the blue plus icon in the navigation bar. This will allow you to add a contact from your local address book. See Item 5 and 6.
  2. Enter the contact’s information and tap OK.
Editing Contacts

Tap a contact entry from the Contacts list to open a contact card. This is the same for presence-enabled and non-presence-enabled contacts. See Figure 1.

To edit a contact:

  1. Tap Edit to open the contact profile page.
  2. Enter the contact's new information and tap OK. This works for both presence-enabled and non-presence-enabled users. See Item 2.

To unsubscribe from a contact:

  1. Tap Unsubscribe to remove the presence relationship between you and that contact. This means that you do not see that contact's presence information and your contact does not see yours. See Item 3.
  2. Tap Subscribe to re-establish the presence relationship.

To remove a contact:

  1. Tap Remove to delete the contact from your Contacts list. See Item 4.

An unsubscribed contact remains on your Contacts list and is always shown as “offline”.


There are four contact filters available from the Contacts tab:

  • All:  Shows all presence-enabled and non-presence-enabled contacts.
  • Online: Shows only the presence-enabled contacts that are currently online.
  • Local Address Book: Shows the contacts from your local phone book.
  • Directory: Shows the contacts from a company directory (which requires a search).

Sort and Display Order

The sort and display order for contacts is based on phone settings.

  • Display order: Display First name or Last name first.
  • Sort order:  Sort by First name or Last name.
  • Short name:  Format of the name to be used in chat lists.

Local contacts are ordered in groups by letter, based on the first letter of their display name. There is no further ordering within the group.

All contacts whose display name starts with non-Latin characters are put in the # group.

The display name of a local contact is taken from first name, middle name, and last name. If names are missing, the display name is taken from the JID field. If all the previous items are missing, then the phone number is used for the display name.



Communicator supports search in Communicator Contacts and Contact Directories. The search is performed in a separate input field in the Contacts tab. Depending on the selected filter (All, Online, Local Address Book, or Directories), search results display contacts only from the current selected category. See Figure 1.

Communicator does not perform directory searches unless the user goes into the directory section itself. Otherwise, the search filters the Contact List.


For each contact you have subscribed to, you can see their availability. Similarly, your contacts can see your availability on their Contacts list. Availability means that your contacts can see whether you are available. For example, “I’m available” or “I’m busy”. Refer to Figure 1 for availability icon meanings.

Availability can also be referred to as presence status, which was the term used in previous releases of Communicator. The availability update is only triggered by appointments and meetings that are either accepted by the user or made by them. All-day meetings do not trigger an availability change to Busy - In Meeting.

To manually set your availability:

  1. Tap the availability icon on the top left corner of the status bar in all tab view and then tap your contact ID. This will open the My Status screen where you can change your avatar, personal message, and availability status. See Items 2, 3, and 4.
  2. Select your availability and tap OK.


Your avatar is the picture that represents you in your friends’ Contacts lists and in chat screens.

To change/clear your avatar:

  1. Tap the availability icon on the top left corner of the status bar in all tab view and then tap your contact ID.
  2. From the My Status screen tap your avatar. See Item 5.
  3. Select whether to use a photo from the camera, an existing photo, or clear your profile photo. See Item 6.
  4. The photo will immediately be changed.

You can enter a status message in the area next to the avatar. This status text is shown in your friends’ Contacts lists.

To enter a status message:

  1. Tap the availability icon on the top left corner of the status bar in all tab view and then tap your contact ID. See Item 7.
  2. From the My Status screen tap “What’s on your mind?”. See Item 8.
  3. Type in your message and tap OK.

The status text is a public message that is attached to your profile. It will be visible by anyone who adds you as a contact.

Instant Messaging

Chat shows the list of recent chats since the last login. If User A chats with User B multiple times, their discussions appear as one item in the list. Tapping the name opens the chat view (IM view) where new messages can be typed. Old messages are also shown. New messages are indicated by a notification badge to the right of the name. The icon remains next to the name until the message is read. Chats are listed so that the newest ones are always at the top. Chats are not in alphabetical order; they are listed with the most recent first.

Establishing a Chat

To start a new chat from the Contacts list:

  1. From the Contacts list, tap a contact to open their contact card.
  2. Tap the chat bubble icon on the left to start chatting with that contact. See Item 1.

To start a new chat from the Chat history:

  1. Tap a chat history entry to start chatting. See Item 2.

Chatting is only possible when both participants are online. Messages sent to an offline contact will be received the moment they log in to UC1 Communicator.

Group Chats

To start a new group chat from the chat tab:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the top right corner of the Chat tab.
  2. Tap Start group chat. See Item 3.
  3. Select or search for members you would like to chat with and tap the check mark icon. See Item 4.
  4. The group will be created and added members will be notified that they have been added to a group chat.

To start a new group chat from a single chat session:

  1. Tap the add participant icon indicated by the blue person with a plus sign from a one-on-one chat room. See Item 5.
  2. Select or search for members you would like to chat with and tap the checkmark icon.
  3. Invited members will receive an invitation to join the group chat.

To add members to a group chat:

  1. Tap the add participant icon indicated by the blue person with a plus sign while in a group chat screen. OR Tap the add participant icon while in a one-on-one chat.
  2. Select or search for members you would like to chat with and tap OK.
  3. Invited members will receive an invitation to join the group chat.

Offline contacts cannot be invited to a group chat. Members who have been added to a group chat will be given the option to “Ignore” or “Accept” the group chat. If a member chooses to ignore the request, they will not receive chat notifications.

To insert an emoji in a chat:

  1. Tap the smiley-face icon in the text-input bar.
  2. Tap an emoji and tap Send to send the emoji. The text input field in Chat uses autocorrect, auto-cap, and spell check based on your phone’s system settings. Use your phone’s system settings to enable or disable these features.

To clear chat history:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the top right corner of any chat that you are a member of.
  2. Tap Delete History. See Item 6.
  3. Tap OK to delete chat history OR tap cancel to cancel the request.

Deleting a chat room is not supported. If you clear chat history, the messages are cleared from your personal chat history but are still viewable from other members’ chat history.

To leave a group chat:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the top right corner of the screen while in a group chat.
  2. Tap Leave Chat to mark the chat as “offline”.
  3. To re-join an offline chat, tap the chat again to start receiving messages.

If you re-join an offline chat, you will receive message notifications for new incoming messages. However, you will not be able to view the messages that were sent while you were out of the room.

Audio and Video Calls
Dial Pad Tab

The Dial Pad tab displays a Dial Pad and a text field used to enter numbers.  The Dial Pad is one of the options used to make audio or video calls.  See Figure 1.

There are three buttons below the Dial Pad:  Call, Video call, and Dial Pad menu that are configurable by the service provider.  The top text field also has a delete button that, when pressed, deletes one character at a time. A badge notification appears on the Dial Pad box.  A long press on the “1” digit connects you to the voice mail box.  When there is no voice mail in your voice mail box, no notification badge is shown.

The Dial Pad menu has three options:  VoIP Mode, Pull Call, and Retrieve Call.

VoIP Calling Mode

Communicator Mobile supports an option that allows you to switch easily between VoIP and Mobile Calling Modes.

  • VoIP calls use WiFi or the carrier data network.
  • Mobile calls use the carrier circuit-switched network.

You can switch between VoIP and Mobile through the Dial Pad Menu. See Figure 1.

VoIP Mode On:

  • Outgoing and incoming calls use VoIP over WiFi or data network.

VoIP Mode Off:

  • Outgoing and incoming calls use the mobile circuit-switched network.
  • Outgoing calls are performed with Call-Through or Call Back.

VoIP calls over the carrier data network are dependent on the quality of the network and may incur additional charges. As such, there are options for an operator or end user to disable VoIP calls over the carrier network (3G, 4G, or LTE) if needed.

To adjust VoIP settings:

  1. Tap the availability icon on the top left corner from the status bar.
  2. Tap Call Settings.
  3. Tap Dialing Service and select your dialing service preferences. See Figure 2. Tap the blue left arrow in the top left corner to return to Call Settings.
  4. Tap OK to save your changes.

WiFi Only:

  • VoIP calls are only allowed through WiFi.

All Networks:

  • VoIP calls are allowed on any data network.
Make Audio or Video Calls

There are multiple ways to make audio or video calls using UC1 Communicator. Choose one of the following methods to initiate a call:

  1. Select a contact from the Contact list and tap the handset icon for an audio call or the video icon for a video call. See Figure 1.
  1. From search results, tap an entry and tap on the voice call for an audio call or the video call to perform a video call. See Item 2.
  1. Open the Dial Pad, enter a phone number, and tap the Call or Video button.
  2. On the Call History list, tap a call entry.
  3. On the Chat screen, tap the handset icon for an audio call or the video icon for a video call. See Item 3.
Answer Calls

An incoming call is indicated by a ringtone.  There are two options on the incoming call screen:  Answer and Decline.  If you decline the call, it causes the line to sound busy at the caller’s end and they know that you rejected the call.

If you are in the middle of a VoIP call and receive an incoming cellular call, the VoIP call is put on hold right away before answering/declining it.

If the Android device is locked and there is an incoming VoIP call, a notification is displayed to you on the locked screen, accompanied with an alerting sound and vibration.

If the device is in silent mode, the Communicator notification is accompanied by multiple vibrations.  Vibrations are played until the call is answered locally, answered on another location, or redirected to voice mail or another number, or after a predefined timeout.

The incoming call ring volume when the application is in background is controlled by the phone Ringer volume system settings.

Answer Incoming VoIP Call on Locked Screen

When an incoming VoIP call is received and the device is locked, Android shows the native incoming call screen with the caller ID, avatar.

To accept/decline the call:

  1. Tap the green handset icon. This will immediately connect you to the caller.
  2. Tap the red handset icon. This will decline the call and send the caller to voicemail.

Incoming calls are always accepted as audio. You will have the option to add video from the In Call screen. If the application was running in the background, accepting the call with video will bring the application to the foreground.

Receiving a Call that is Waiting

When an incoming native circuit-switched (CS) call is received during an ongoing VoIP call, you are notified by the Android native incoming call screen. You have the option to hold the current call and answer, or end the current call and answer or decline the new call to voicemail.

Once a call is accepted, the previous call is put on hold.

To switch between calls:

  1. Tap the Swap button to switch between calls. Swapping calls will automatically switch the previous call to hold. See Item 1.

To merge the calls into a conference call:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the lower right corner of the screen. See Item 2.
  2. Tap Merge to turn the call into a conference call. See Item 3.
In-Call Actions

You can perform the following actions from the In-Call Screen:

  • End a call
  • Mute the microphone
  • Enable/Disable speaker*
  • Open the key pad
  • Adjust the volume
  • Add or remove video from an audio call
  • Place a call on hold
  • Make a new call
  • Transfer a call (Attended)
  • Transfer a call (Unattended)
  • Make a conference
  • Park a call
  • Transfer a call to circuit-switched call
  • Add more participants (in conference call only)
  • Merge two separate calls
  • Swap two separate calls
  • View participants (on a conference call

During a video call, the audio output is automatically switched to speaker-only mode.

Contact Name Lookup for Incoming Calls

When receiving a call, Communicator searches through your contact directory to determine the name of the contact. If the incoming number matches a contact from your directory, the name is shown on the incoming call screen, regardless of whether they have been added into your Contacts list.

Conference Calling

There are two ways to initiate a conference call in UC1 Communicator. Select one of the following methods:

To conference call from a two-way audio or video call:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the bottom right corner of the screen. See Item 1.
  2. Tap Conference. See Item 2.
  3. Search or select the contact you would like to conference into the call and tap their DID.
  4. Once the contact accepts the call, the call will immediately be merged into a conference call.

To add participants to an existing Conference call:

  1. Establish a conference call and tap the 3 ellipses dots on the bottom right corner of the screen. See Item 3.
  2. Tap Add Participant from the In Call screen. See Item 4.
  3. Search or select the contact you would like to conference into the call and tap their DID.
  4. Once the contact accepts the call, they will be immediately connected to the conference call.

New Call

UC1 Communicator supports starting a new call while in an ongoing call.

To initiate a call while in a two-way call:

  1. Tap the New Call button from the In Call screen. See Item 4.
  2. Select or search for the contact you would like to call, and then tap their DID.
  3. Communicator will begin dialing and your primary caller will be placed on hold.
Call Transfer & Call Pull

UC1 Communicator supports transferring VoIP calls to another party. Two modes of transfer are supported:

Attended Transfer

After establishing a two-way call:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots from the In Call Screen. See Item 1.
  2. Tap Transfer. See Item 2.
  3. Select or search for the contact you would like to call, and then select the number to call.
  4. Tap Call "Contact Name" First to begin dialing the new contact and your primary caller will be placed on hold. See Item 3.
  5. If the call is successfully established, you can talk with the third party privately before completing the transfer by tapping the Complete button.

Unattended Transfer

After establishing a two-way call:

  1. Tap the 3 ellipses dots from the In Call Screen. See Item 1.
  2. Tap Transfer. See Item 2.
  3. Select or search for the contact you would like to call, and then select the number to call.
  4. Tap Transfer to “Contact Name” to directly transfer the primary caller to the new contact. See Item 4.

Call Pull

Call Pull can be used in scenarios where a user has two endpoints; for example, a VoIP desk phone and a mobile phone with Communicator. If the user has an active call on the desk phone, this call can be transferred to the mobile phone using the Call Pull button. Depending on the application, dialing settings, and service configuration, the call can be pulled as a VoIP or circuit-switched call to the mobile phone. There is no interruption to the voice call.

To pull a call that is active on your desk phone:

  1. Tap on the call tab.
  2. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the bottom right corner and tap Pull Call. See Item 5.
  3. The call will be transferred to your mobile device.

To retrieve a parked call:

  1. Tap on the call tab.
  2. Tap the 3 ellipses dots on the bottom right corner and tap Retrieve Call. See Item 6.
  3. You will be prompted to dial the number at which the call is parked at. Dial the number and you will be connected to the parked call.

Call Pull is not possible when there is an ongoing circuit-switched call on the Android. Call Pull requires initiating a VoIP call and Android initaitng a VoIP call during a Swipe Call Park.

The Call Park service allows a “parking” user to park a call against an extension. The “parked” user is placed on hold until a user retrieves the parked call. If the call is not retrieved within the provisioned recall time, then the parked call is reverted and presented to the “recall” user.

Swipe Between Chat and Audio/Video Communication Views

UC1 Communicator provides the ability for users to switch between Chat and Audio/Video communication sessions with My Room, other users’ My Room, and two-way chat. From the In Call screen, tap the chat icon on the bottom left corner of the screen to switch between communication sessions. See figure 7. The call is maintained while switching communication sessions and has its own status bar when not in the In Call screen.

Seamless Call Handover for VoIP Calls

UC1 Communicator for Android supports seamless call handover for VoIP calls between WiFi and cellular data networks.

If data connection drops during an ongoing VoIP call, the application will try to use another data connection if available. Otherwise, it will wait for a fixed period of time for the data connection to be re-established. At that point, the call is retired on the new or re-established connection.

During the transition, there is a beeping sound played to the user and an indication in the user interface that the application is trying to reconnect the call.

If a user has multiple ongoing calls, only the active calls are retrieved after restoring the data connection and the other calls are terminated. In this case, the user will be notified about the terminated calls.

A typical use case is when a call is started on a WiFi network in the office and the user leaves the office while on the call.  In this case, the call is transferred to the 4G/LTE data network, if one is available.

Another use case is when the device loses data coverage for a brief period of time while the user is on a VoIP call (for example, the user enters an elevator).  In this case, the call is recovered when the data connection is re-established, provided it is within the configurable period of time, which is typically one minute.

My Room

My Room is an always available and permanent room you can use to chat with anyone that joins.

To access My Room:

  1. Tap the My Room tab on the status bar, indicated by a person inside a house. This will bring you to the My Room information page where you can videw your Dial-in Number, Conference ID, Moderator PIN, and Security Pin. See Item 1.

To initate a chat from My Room:

  1. Open the My Room tab and tap Chat on the upper left corner of the screen. See Item 2.
  2. Tap the add participant icon on the top status bar indicated by the blue person with a plus sign. Select or search for participants and tap OK.
  3. The participants will be added to your room and you will be able to communicate via group message.

To join a contact’s Room:

  1. Select a contact from your Contacts List and tap Join Room indicated by the blue arrow entering a room. See Item 3.

From this page you can chat with all members who are added to the contact’s room. From a contact’s room you also have the option to call the room and initiate a conference call.

Call History & Voicemail

UC1 Communicator supports basic and enhanced Call History.

Communicator can show information about Hunt Groups and call duration, which is only available as part of enhanced call logs. From the status bar, the Call History can be set to show all or missed calls. On the list of calls, there are icons that indicate whether a call was incoming, outgoing, or missed.

Types of Calls

Outgoing- Indicated by a black arrow pointing to the right. See Item 1.

Incoming- Indicated by a black arrow pointing to the left. See Item 2.

Missed- Indicated by a black arrow pointing to the left and a red contact entry. See Item 3.

In addition to the type of call, the Call History displays the name and number of the contact as well as the date/time the call was made.

To view call details:

  1. From the Call History page, tap the information icon on the left of the call log, indicated by a blue “i” within a circle. See Item 4.

From the Call Details page, the user can also view the type of call as well as the contact information of the caller.

To call back a caller:

  1. Tap the call log entry and select to call back as a video or voice-only call. See Item 5.
  2. UC1  Communicator will immediately begin dialing the caller.

Missed Calls

Notifications (for example, missed calls or new messages) are shown as badges on the tab icons.

Missed calls are displayed as a red entry on the History tab. You can also toggle between viewing “All Calls” and “Missed Calls” in the History tab to view specific calls that have been missed.

To view Missed Calls:

  1. Tap on the History tab.
  2. Tap on the Missed button at the top of the screen. This will display all calls that have been missed. See Figures 6 and 7.


If you have pending voicemail (VM) messages, a badge is displayed on the Call tab icon with the number of pending VM messages. The voicemail is accessible with a long press of the Dial Pad digit “1”. New voicemail messages are displayed when a caller leaves a voicemail on the server.

Visual functions for voicemail are not available.

Settings and Preferences

The side navigation contains the following items:

  • My status
  • Call Settings
  • Preferences
  • About
  • Help
  • Sign Out
Call Settings

UC1 Communicator supports the following service management features that can be turned on or off:

Call Options:

  • VoIP Call
  • Block My Caller ID
  • Dialing Service
  • iPhone Number

Call Forwarding

  • When Not Reachable
  • When Busy
  • Always
  • When No Answer
  • Do Not Disturb

Incoming Calls

  • Call Waiting
  • Simultaneous Ring
  • Remote Office
  • Anywhere
  • Mobility
Call Forwarding

To forward a call:

1. Tap Call Settings from the side navigation menu.

  • From this menu, select to forward from the following options: When Not Reachable, When Busy, Always, and/or When No Answer. See Item 1.
  • Tap Enable to enable call forwarding as “active”. See Item 2.
  • Enter the DID for calls to be forwarded to and tap OK. See Item 3.
  • This will save your settings and Call Forwarding will be listed as “On” from the Call Settings screen.
Do Not Disturb

When you activate this service, all calls are blocked by the server and sent to voicemail.

To enable Do Not Disturb (DND):

  1. Tap Call Settings from the side navigation menu.
  2. Tap Do Not Disturb. See Figure 1.
  3. Tap the Enable checkbox to enable Do Not Disturb and tap OK. All incoming calls will be sent to voicemail.

To enable Ring Splash:

  1. Tap Call Settings from the side navigation menu.
  2. Tap Do Not Disturb. See Figure 1.
  3. Tap the Enable checkbox to enable Ring Splash and tap OK. This will enable Ring Splash while Do Not Disturb is enabled.
Broadworks Anywhere, BroadWorks Mobility, Remote Office

BroadWorks Anywhere

BroadWorks Anywhere allows service providers to offer fixed-mobile covergence (FMC) services without additional equipment. See Figure 1.

BroadWorks Anywhere simplifies communications for on-the-go users and remote users by extending the features of a desk phone to any other fixed or mobile device, regardless of the network or handset manufacturer.  Callers dial one number and can reach you on any phone the user chooses.  A desk phone, cell phone, and/or a soft phone can ring simultaneously.

Voice call continuity is possible with the ability to move live calls from one device to another without hanging up.

Add locations (numbers) that can be used in the service using the Add New Location button.  Use the Alert all locations to activate parallel ringing.

Remote Office

This service allows the use of any phone as the office phone from a charging and numbering perspective. For instance, a hotel room phone can be used as the office phone.

Enable Remote Office and specify a phone number to be used as the Remote Office Number. See Item 2.

BroadWorks Mobility

BroadWorks Mobility is a flexible solution that extends the BroadWorks Centrex features transparently to the mobile network.  This service provides a set of mobile capabilities that help meet the key requirements of mobile operators for deployment of business services to the mobile handsets. See Figure 3.

The following attributes can be set:

  • Active- Flag to enable or disable the BroadWorks Mobility service from the user.
  • Mobile Number- This is the subscriber’s mobile number in E. 164 format.
  • Phones to Ring- The default is “Fixed”. The options are as follows:
    • Fixed- If set, then only the user’s desk phone is alerted.
    • Mobile- If set, then only the user’s mobile phone is alerted.
    • Both- If set, then both the mobile phone as well as desk phone of the user are alerted.

The following attributes apply when the alerting mobile is set:

  • Alert for Click-To-Dial- If checked, Click-To-Dial calls alert the mobile phone.
  • Alert for Group Paging- If checked, group paging calls alert the mobile phone.
  • Prevent Diverting- This attribute determines whether the Application Server enables a diversion inhibitor when extending a call leg to the mobile phone.
  • Answer Confirmation- This attribute determines whether the Application Server prompts for an answer confirmation when the user answers the mobile call leg.
  • Call Control- This attribute determines whether call control is to be performed by the mobile device (off) or by BroadWorks (on). This must be turned on to provide mid-call service features to the mobile originated or terminated calls.

The client supports the following preferences:

  • Language
  • Remember Password
  • Troubleshooting
Language Support

The client is prepared for localization and can be delivered in any language. Currently, the client is available in the following languages:

  • US English
  • French
  • French (Canadian)
  • German
  • Italian
  • Netherlands
  • Spanish (European)
  • Spanish (Latin America)
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Chinese

UC1 Communicator will automatically detect the device language to determine the application’s default language.


The troubleshooting function can be used if there are issues encountered with the application. IT collects and sends diagnostic information to a predefined support email address. This helps support personnel to identify the issues. The information sent consists of the application and media engine diagnostic logs. See Figure 1.

Troubleshooting is managed by a menu entry in Settings. It can be accessed from tow places in the client:

  • From the Settings button on the Sign In screen. This opens the screen that contains the help and troubleshooting-related entries. This can be used before the user has signed in, which is most often for cases when a user has issues with signing in or with connectivity.
  • From the Preferences screen accessible from the Side navigation. This is available while the user is logged in.

Troubleshooting options:

Console logging: Option for getting logs in a development environment. The device should be connected to a PC/MAC and the logs to appear real-time in the console.

File Logging: Saves logs to the device memory for subsequent sending by email.

XMPP Logging: Includes IM&P related information (XMPP stanzas) in the logs.

Other logging: Includes additional logs different from XMPP.

PN logging: Includes Push Notification-related information (only when Push Notifications are enabled).

Crash reporting: Sends crash logs to crash report.

Display Diagnostic Info in Calls: Displays information about ongoing calls like the codec type.

Push Notifications

Incoming Calls

Communicator now supports Push Notifications for Incoming Calls.

On Android, when the application is in the background, the call is presented to the user with a notification (alert or banner). When the client is in the foreground, the call is presented with an application-specific Incoming Call screen with Answer and Decline buttons.

Push Notifications are also available for new voice mails.

Push Notifications for Chat Messages

Communicator supports Push Notifications for Chat Messages.

The application will use Push Notifications to get alert end users of incoming messages and chat invitations.

The following functions are supported with Push Notifications:

  • Receiving one-on-one messages.
  • Receiving My Room and Chat invitations.
  • Receiving requests for approving guest invitations.

Push Notifications for incoming calls and one-on-one messages are received even if the client application is not running, provided that the user has signed in and registered for Push Notifications before the application is terminated.

Message History and Message Read Status Synchronization

Communicator introduces support for synchronizing message history and message read status on all devices where the application is running.

Message history is retrieved and synched on all devices. This includes: all received and sent messages, even if a device is offline when a message is received or sent.

Messages read status is also synched when a message is read on another device.

Received messages are immediately available on all applications that are logged in and active.


The About screen (See Figure 1) includes three sub views:

  1. Info: the Info view contains short info text, version, copyright, website URL, app ID, and build version.
  2. License: the License view contains the End User License Agreement.
  3. Legal Notices: the Legal Notices view contains third parties used by the application.

Help Page

UC1 provides web-based help that can be launched from the Side Menu navigation page.

Sign Out

You can sign out at the bottom of the left-side navigation drawer.

To sign out of UC1 Communicator:

  1. Tap the availability icon to open the Side Menu navigation page.
  2. Tap Sign Out on the bottom left corner of the application. This will immediately sign you out of UC1 Communicator.

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