How To - Commission Payable Report

A Commission Payable Report must be created at the end of each month.

Commissions are paid out if the customers has paid their monthly invoice before the end of the month.

Logon to the Orion top level account (Admin)

Select Report Tab

Select from the Custom Reports, Commission Payable Report With Usage Indicator

Select the View entitled Commission Payable.

Filter the Date Added as follows:

  • (Min)imum -  Date after the last date of Commission Payable Report.
  • (Max)imum  Date of the current Commission Payable Report.

Always run the Commission Payable Report the day after the date of the Commission Payable Report.

For example  if the last report was run for commissions payable through the 15th, and you are now running the Report for commissions payable through the 25th, the Min date would be the 16th and the Max date would be the 25th.  And you would actually create the report for the 25th on the 26th.

Note:  For the first use of this Report, you will need to make sure you have paid commissions for each customer through the date of the initial Commission Payable Report.  If not, you will need to run an individual report for the customer to check against your manual payment.


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