How To - Payment: Credit Card and ECheck (ACH) Processor Setup and Configuration (Simple)

Orion Billing integrates with a significant number of processing vendors. The following are instructions for integrating the various gateways, testing, trouble shooting and common issues encountered

Orion is currently integrated with EPayment Integrator version 5 and only gateways associated with version 5 are compatible.

To process credit cards and ACH transactions, you will need to set up an account with an outside processing company.  Below are lists of gateways supported by Orion.  (Note:  Not all gateways can process both credit cards and ACH transactions.)

Orion Compatible Gateway Lists

  • 3DSI
  • ACHPayments
  • AuthorizeNet
  • Bank of America
  • Beanstream
  • Chase
  • CyberCash
  • CyberSource
  • CyberSourceLevel3
  • ECX
  • Eprocessing
  • Eway
  • FastTransact
  • FirstAtlantaicCommerce
  • FirstData
  • FirstDataGlobalGatewayE4
  • GoEMerchant
  • Innovation
  • Intellpay
  • IPPay
  • Transact
  • LinkPoint
  • MerchantAnywhere
  • MerchantPartners
  • Moneris
  • Moneris-eSelectPlus
  • MonerisUSA
  • MPCS
  • MyVirtualMerchant
  • NetBilling
  • NetworkMerchants
  • NexCommerce
  • NoGateway
  • Ogone
  • Orbital
  • PayFlowLink
  • PayFlowPro
  • PayFuse
  • PayJunction
  • PaymentExpress
  • PaymentsGateway
  • PlanetPayment
  • PlugNPay
  • PRIGate
  • PSIGate
  • PSIGateXMLInterface
  • RealexPayment
  • RTWare
  • SagePay
  • SagePayment
  • SECPay
  • SecurePay
  • Skipjack
  • Sterling
  • TransactionCentral
  • TransFIrst
  • TrustCommerce
  • USAePay
  • Usight
  • Verifi
  • WorldPay
  • YourPay

The ECheck Component

The ECheck component allows you to use multiple Internet Payment Gateways through one interface and one component. This allows for easy migration from one gateway to another, as well as quick integration into applications or web services.

The ECheck component allows your website to securely process electronic checks without the need to redirect to a third party site.

All transactions are accomplished through a secure HTTPS Post to any supported gateway. The secure response is received and then stored in the component’s response properties. Any web site on a standard HTTP server or any standalone application can process transactions without the need for a secure server or third party intervention.

The first thing you must do is select one of the gateways supported by the ECheck component and then set up an account with that gateway vendor. Once you have an account set up with a valid (or test) login ID and password, you can use the ECheck component.

To begin, set the Gateway property to the gateway you wish to use. If this gateway supports an alternate URL to send test transactions to, set the GatewayURL at this time.

Next, set the MerchantLogin (and for some gateways the MerchantPassword). These are supplied by your gateway vendor when you set up an account.

Now you are ready to process transactions. Not all gateways process ACH or eCheck transactions the same way. While all gateways require a bank routing and account number, some require additional information such as a driver’s license number, bank name, or the account type (checking or savings). The gateways and their required properties are listed in the Gateway property.

Once all your properties are set, simply call the Authorize method. If your gateway supports it, you may also credit bank accounts with the Credit method.

Credit Card Billing Rules

For a credit card to run as part of an automated bill run, it must be set as the default payment method (bolded under payment methods on Tools tab of an account)

Credit cards will be processed if the‘Credit Card’check box and the‘Enabled’check box are selected onBill Runconfiguration page

Canceled accounts will NOT be attempted during a credit card bill run. Note that canceled relates to the back end account status type, see the Account Status Types link on the Setup tab for the status types.

No information is stored in Orion for oneoff payments (Tools tab > Oneoff Credit Card Payment). This means any oneoff payment refunds must be handled manually (logging into your CC gateway vs. using the ‘Credit Card / Credit Card Token Refund’ functionality on the Tools tab) and then once refunded the payment must also be reversed in Orion. For instructions on reversing payments see theManaging Transactionsarticle

Credit Card Token and ECheck Token Billing Rules

With Token processors, credit card information is collected once for the payee and submitted to the Token Gateway.  The Gateway then returns a payment Token and specific payee details, meaning credit card information no longer needs to be stored within Orion.

Credit Card Tokens or E Check Tokenswill be processed if‘Run E Check Token’or‘Run Credit Card Token’are selected on theBill Runconfiguration page.

Expired credit cards are not attempted. Existing cards and if expired, will not attempt to charge them during the bill run

The option ‘Process Expired Credit Card’ was added. When this option is checked expired credit card information will be sent to the processor gateway allowing the gateway to auto renew, send expiry notifications or take some other action (depending on the capabilities and configuration of the gateway)

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