How To - Create a Retail UDR History Report

Log into

Select the Reports tab

Under "Owner Reports" select UDR History

Generating Report

There will be no data until you enter some criteria, such as date range or invoice number.

  1. In the Date field enter the date range that you want the data, or
  2. Enter the invoice number that you want data returned on in the invoice field.
Generating Report

Filtering Report

After the "Sort by Date" is complete, you may want to see only calls that you were charged for.  In the Amount Rated field enter the value "0.01" in the "Min" field.

You can also enter other search criteria like Call Direction or call type (Classification).

Once you have done this hit the "Enter" key and the report will run.

Filtering Report

Exporting Report

The report is going to return multiple pages of data that you can now export to a CSV file and open with Excel.

To export the data click on  the Export link int the upper right hand corner

Choose the CSV option.

Exporting Report

If you are using IE a box will come up and ask you if you want to open or save. Choose the open option.

If you are using Chrome (shown in screen shot) then you will have a box on the lower left-hand section of the screen to open the file in Excel.

The report may take a few minutes to download and Excel will launch as soon as the download is complete.

You can now sort the results in Excel anyway you like.

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