How To - Toll Free Change Request (RESP org)

Toll free number ports take between three and four business days to complete

Log in to and search for the customer record that you want to order services for.

Select the account hyperlink with the role of customer.

Log in to and search for the customer record that you want to order services for.

Click on the "Order Form" tab and then on the "Add RESP Org Change Request".

This will launch the RESP Org change to port your toll free number(s) to BluIP Inc.

Click on the "Order Form" tab and then on the "Add RESP Org Change Request".

Fill out the Resp Org Change form.

The date on a Resp Org Change form must be dated within 30 days of the current calendar date.

The customers account cannot be past due or inactive to request a Resp Org Change.

  1. Enter Numbers:  Enter the toll free number that you want to port to BluIP.
    • If you are porting 10 or less numbers, use the grid.
      • If porting more than one number and they are in sequence you can place them on one line (i.e. 555-555-5555  5556)
      • If porting more than one number and they are not in sequence, place a check mark in the Single DID column
    • If each number listed (up to 10) are not in sequence, enter each number on a separate line and place a check mark in the box under "Single DID"  
    • If the numbers are in sequence, enter the NPA, the NXX, the first XXXX number and the last XXXX on a single line.  DO NOT place a check mark in the box under "Single DID"
    • If you are porting more than 10, you may enter them upload a "plain text" CSX file (example: 1234567890, 2345678901, 3456789012)
  2. Selected Numbers (separate by comma):  You can enter numbers manually in this section separating each number by a comma
  3. Upload file with numbers (plain text):  Enter the numbers into an Excel spreadsheet separated by commas; Chose File; and then chose Upload.
  4. Load Numbers:  Once you have all the numbers entered in either the grid or the uploaded CSX file, click the "Load Numbers" buttton.
  5. Area of Service:  Select one of the following from the drop-down menu - USA or USA and Canada
  6. Payphone Blocking:  Select Yes or No.
  7. Losing RESPORG Name:  Enter the losing toll free carrier's name
  8. Notes:  Enter any notes that you feel are important to the order (i.e. date needed)
  9. Save Order:  Once you have all the data filled out click the "Save Order" button.  A Resporg Org form will be generated which you will need to have signed by your customer's "Authorized User"

(Note:  Prior to sending the form to your customer for signature, ensure all information is correct, including telephone numbers and customer address.)

  1. Once the document is signed, submit the form to or fax to 702-485-2957.  

If you need assistance, call 702-690-4423


Fill out the Resp Org Change form.

Tracking your order

A ticket will be generated in order to track the progress of the order.  This information is available for your review by going to the "Customer's" account by selecting the "Tickets" tab


Tracking your order

The ticketing system will also generate an email notification for actions relative to taken such as submitting an order, order rejection, received FOC or in need or additional information

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