MS Teams direct routing user provisioning using powershell


  •    Windows Powershell ISE w/ MS Teams Module installed
  •    MS Teams Administrator Access


  • Open Powershell ISE as an Administrator and connect to MS Teams
  • Connect to MS Teams by running the following command: 


  • Run the following command to enable direct routing and assign a phone number to a user:

          Notes: Replace identity email address and phone number w/ the correct information


Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity -PhoneNumber +19999999999 -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting


  • Run the following command to Grant Direct Routing Voice Routing Policy to the user

Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity -PolicyName "US Only"

   Notes: If the policy name is incorrect, run Get-csonlinevoiceroutingpolicy to get the accurate information.



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